[Boainactive] CPE for Inactive Licensees

SISK Kimberly * BOA kimberly.sisk at state.or.us
Mon Feb 27 14:41:08 PST 2012

Dear Inactive Licensee:


New Oregon Administrative Rule provisions [OAR 801-010-0120(2); OAR
801-040-0010(4)], which require holders of inactive status licenses to
obtain a nominal amount of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) went
into effect on January 1, 2012.  The new requirements are as follows:


*         Inactive license holders must complete and report 32 hours of
CPE for each two- year renewal cycle

*         A maximum of 8 hours may be in non-technical subjects

*         There is no requirement to complete a minimum number of hours
during each year of the two-year cycle

*         A maximum of 8 hours may be carried over to the following


For initial implementation, the new requirement will be prorated for
2012 and 2013 inactive renewals as follows:


Renewals due 6/30/12


*         8 hours of CPE must be completed and reported with the renewal

*         A maximum of 2 hours may be in non-technical subjects


Renewals due 6/30/13


*         24 hours of CPE must be completed and reported with the
renewal application

*         A maximum of 6 hours may be in non-technical subjects


Thank you, in advance, for your diligence in complying with these new
requirements.  Please contact Katherine Wentzel at 503-378-2270 if you
have any questions.


Pat Hearn, Executive Director



Kimberly Sisk

Executive Assistant

Oregon Board of Accountancy



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