[CAFR-Contacts-News] Year-end Training - Gold Star Requirements

ROSS Kathryn * CFO kathryn.ross at state.or.us
Mon Apr 22 10:08:45 PDT 2013

Good Morning Everyone,

Recently, SARS distributed the 2013 Schedule of Key Dates to the CAFR contacts list.

Included in this schedule are three separate GOLD STAR training dates:

*         May 16 - SEFA training

*         May 22 - LT Debt training

*         June 19 - 2013 Year-end Close training

These training events have now been added to the Oregon iLearn website.

Each agency that reports federal expenditures should send at least one individual to the SEFA training. Each agency included in the CAFR should send at least one individual to the 2013 Year-end Close training session. The same person does not need to attend both sessions. Agencies may send different individuals to each session.

However, only those agencies that currently have outstanding LT debt are invited/required to attend the LT Debt training on May 22. A list of those agencies is attached. Each agency on the list may send as many as three (3) employees to the training. We strongly encourage agencies to take advantage of this cross-training opportunity by sending more than one individual.  In addition, we are working with Capital Investment and Planning to develop a hands-on case study based on current debt activity.

CPE is available for all sessions. Here is the link to Oregon iLearn:  https://ilearn.oregon.gov/Kview/CustomCodeBehind/Base/Login/Login.aspx

Thank you,

Kathryn Ross, CPA
Manager, Statewide Accounting & Reporting Services
Chief Financial Office
Department of Administrative Services
155 Cottage Street NE, U-50
Salem, OR 97301
Phone:  (503) 373-0265
Fax:  (503) 378-3514

Data Classification: Level 1 - Published

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