[DAS_Centralized_PERS_Services_Team] FW: PERS Status Check & CSD Info

TOBIASSON Shauna M * DAS Shauna.M.TOBIASSON at das.oregon.gov
Wed Nov 30 15:08:46 PST 2022

HR & Payroll Business Partners,

I have received questions about the status check communication sent earlier today. While the phone option was included below as the method for contacting PERS for a status check, the fax/form option is also completely acceptable. Here is the link to the form for those of you who prefer that method:


Thank you,

Shauna Tobiasson |  Senior CPERS Analyst
DAS Centralized PERS Services Team
Cell: 971-719-3173
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/Financial/payroll/Pages/index.aspx
"Tolerance and compassion are qualities of fearless people" - Paul Coelho

From: TOBIASSON Shauna M * DAS <Shauna.M.TOBIASSON at das.oregon.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 8:26 AM
To: das_centralized_pers_services_team at omls.oregon.gov
Subject: PERS Status Check & CSD Info

Good morning HR and PR business partners,

With Workday payroll going live tomorrow I am sending information about the new PERS status check process, and providing some additional resources for  determining PERS eligibility upon hire. It is critical to note that the new status check date field in Workday payroll will drive money being sent to PERS beginning December 1, 2022.

The PERS status check is a critical part of the new hire process and needs to be completed by either HR, or payroll. Only one status check can be done per agency.


  1.  Obtain a status check by calling PERS at 1-888-320-7377.

PERS will provide the following information:

     *   If eligible upon hire, PERS will provide the existing PERS Plan (Tier 1, Tier 2, OPSRP)
     *   If eligible upon hire, PERS will provide the existing *Contribution Start Date (CSD)

*The contribution start date will be referred to as the CSD throughout this communication. This is not to be confused with continuous service date, which also uses the acronym CSD.

     *   If currently in a wait time from a previous hire date, PERS will provide the future CSD
     *   If the employee is enrolled in IAP Voluntary Contributions (payroll needs this information)

  1.  If the employee is new to PERS service, the agency will need to determine wait time, and CSD. The PERS CSD Guide may be found here<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Payroll/Documents/CSDGuide2017.pdf>.

  1.  Enters PERS Status Check date
     *   Go to employee profile
     *   Go to Actions>Additional Data>View All
     *   Scroll down to PERS Status Check and click 'Edit'
     *   Enter 1st of the month start date when contributions should start (the date of the salary change or start of enrollment into PERS benefit plan in Workday, or the CSD provided by PERS during the status check)
Note. The status check information should be used to determine the employee's PERS Class Plan Code that is entered in Workday. Please verify that this is accurate at the time of the status check. If not, HR will need to update the PERS Class Plan Code based on the status check.

If you have any questions about the status check process, please contact me.


Shauna Tobiasson |  Senior CPERS Analyst
DAS Centralized PERS Services Team
Cell: 971-719-3173
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/Financial/payroll/Pages/index.aspx<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2FDAS%2FFinancial%2Fpayroll%2FPages%2Findex.aspx&data=05%7C01%7CShauna.M.TOBIASSON%40das.oregon.gov%7C4aa6ebea7efa4302044308dad2ef835a%7Caa3f6932fa7c47b4a0cea598cad161cf%7C0%7C0%7C638054223430011767%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=uGTkusDI0XbvHvVLW%2Fcp2aPo%2B8xXvxAN%2BT7J%2Fz7mKcY%3D&reserved=0>
"Tolerance and compassion are qualities of fearless people" - Paul Coelho

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