[DAS_Centralized_PERS_Services_Team] CPERS Agency Resources

TOBIASSON Shauna M * DAS Shauna.M.TOBIASSON at das.oregon.gov
Mon Jun 17 15:19:18 PDT 2024

Greetings from CPERS!

With recent updates to our e-news subscribers it seemed like a great time to resend this announcement about resources available for agency HR & Payroll staff.

CPERS resources have been created/updated to assist agency HR and Payroll partners in understanding the PERS elements in Workday, and how to make PERS corrections. The CPERS  website has been refreshed to include updated headings and new resources. Check it out here:  https://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Payroll/Pages/cpers.aspx

There are several items of importance under the "Resources" section:

  *   CPERS Retro Adjustment Guide (Also linked to the KA in Workday titled "PERS Corrections, Payroll Partner")<https://wd5.myworkday.com/oregon/d/search.htmld?q=PERS&state=searchCategory-Articles>
  *   How to Calculate PERS Corrections (Also linked to the KA in Workday titled "PERS Corrections, Payroll Partner") <https://wd5.myworkday.com/oregon/d/search.htmld?q=PERS&state=searchCategory-Articles>
  *   New* PERS Enrollment Elements in Workday<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Payroll/Documents/PERS%20Enrollment%20Elements%20in%20Workday.pdf> - This is a new education tool that explains all the PERS elements in WD that apply when making PERS adjustments. Currently this is only available on the CPERS website, but a Workday KA is in process.

There is an overview of the status check process with PERS under the "Status Check" section. In Workday there is also a KA called "PERS Status Check & Benefit Enrollment Process"<https://wd5.myworkday.com/oregon/d/search.htmld?q=PERS&state=searchCategory-Articles> that expands on the a status check and how to enter the information in Workday.

If you have any questions or feedback on these resources, please let me know. We are always looking to improve and enhance the tools we provide agencies.

A friendly reminder that while we partner very closely with Workday, CPERS is a separate division of DAS and we do not utilize Workday Case Management.  If you need guidance on PERS reporting matters or have questions about adjustments that have been requested by the CPERS team, please reach us via email at:  Central.PERSServicesTeam at das.oregon.gov<mailto:Central.PERSServicesTeam at das.oregon.gov>

Thank you,

Shauna Tobiasson
Senior CPERS Analyst
DAS Centralized PERS Services Team
Cell: 971-719-3173
Website: https://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Payroll/Pages/cpers.aspx
Pronouns: she, her, hers

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