[DAS_Centralized_PERS_Services_Team] Retiree PERS Class Plan Coding **Action Required** by June 30, 2024

TOBIASSON Shauna M * DAS Shauna.M.TOBIASSON at das.oregon.gov
Thu May 30 15:59:34 PDT 2024

Greetings HR & Payroll partners,

Since the passage of SB1049 there has been some confusion about how to code the PERS Class Plan in Workday for retirees that return to work in a retired status. The purpose of this communication is to clarify the correct way to code retirees in Workday, and request that agencies review retiree coding in Workday for accuracy.

The correct PERS Class Plan coding<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Payroll/Documents/WD_PERS%20Class%20Plan%20Worksheet_NEW.pdf> for retirees is as follows:

     *   M (working without hour limit):
        *   PERS & OPSRP retirees who meet a pre-SB1049 hour limit exception<https://www.oregon.gov/pers/RET/Pages/General-Information/Table-of-Exceptions-to-the-1%2c040-Hour-Limit.aspx> ONLY
        *   PERS Tier 1 & 2 retirees who have reached full retirement age under Social Security<https://www.oregon.gov/pers/ret/Documents/SSA_age.pdf> (applies to both normal and early retirements)
     *   R (Working with hour limit):
        *   PERS & OPSRP retirees who took an early retirement
        *   PERS Tier 1 & 2 retirees who have not reached full retirement age under Social Security
        *   All other PERS & OPSRP retirees who do not meet a pre-SB1049 exception. (Even if they do not currently have an hour limit since SB1049 has temporarily lifted hour limits)

While SB1049 has temporarily lifted hour limits, SB1049 is scheduled to sunset in 2034. PERS has instructed employers to continue coding retirees as having hour limits so that systems will be accurate when the sunset occurs. This will not negatively impact working retirees who are temporarily exempt from the hour limit due to SB1049.

When discussing hour limits there may be other policy driven hour limits such as with temporary appointments. Other hour limitations will need to be tracked separately since the PERS Class Plan code in Workday is for PERS purposes only.

Please review the PERS Class Plan assignments for retirees currently working in your agency to ensure coding is accurate as noted above. If changes are needed, please update Workday by June 30, 2024.

  *   If the employee meets a pre-SB1049 exception please include the exception in comments in the Workday edit position business process
  *   You do not need to notify your CPERS Analyst if changes are made.  CPERS will run a report after June 30th to capture all changes.

Additional resources for working after retirement are available on the PERS website here: https://www.oregon.gov/pers/ret/Pages/Work-After-Retirement.aspx

If you have questions about this, please contact your CPERS Analyst<mailto:central.persservicesteam at das.oregon.gov>.

Thank you,

Shauna Tobiasson
Senior CPERS Analyst/Leadworker
DAS Centralized PERS Services Team
Cell: 971-719-3173
Website: https://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Payroll/Pages/cpers.aspx
Pronouns: she, her, hers

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