[DAS_Centralized_PERS_Services_Team] FW: Microfiche Availability Update

TOBIASSON Shauna M * DAS Shauna.M.TOBIASSON at das.oregon.gov
Wed Jan 15 07:21:58 PST 2025

Forwarding on behalf of OSPS.

Shauna Tobiasson
Senior CPERS Analyst
DAS Centralized PERS Services Team
Cell: 971-719-3173,
Connect with me on Teams<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=shauna.m.tobiasson@das.oregon.gov>
Website: https://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Payroll/Pages/cpers.aspx
Pronouns: she, her, hers

From: OSPS-News <osps-news-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> On Behalf Of LOWRY Timothy * DAS via OSPS-News
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 3:36 PM
To: Announcements from OSPS to the users of Workday Application <osps-news at omls.oregon.gov>
Subject: OSPS E-News ~ Microfiche Availability Update

Greetings Payroll Partners,

FBS and OSPS has moved to back to the DAS Executive Building, 155 Cottage Street,  effective January 6th, 2025.  Due to the move we have not been able to provide access to the Microfiche machine.  We anticipate that the earliest day agencies can access the Microfiche machine will be Wednesday, January 22nd. If you have an emergency request please contact me.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition.

Tim Lowry
OSPS Manager

From: OSPS-News <osps-news-bounces at omls.oregon.gov<mailto:osps-news-bounces at omls.oregon.gov>> On Behalf Of LOWRY Timothy * DAS via OSPS-News
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2024 1:03 PM
To: Announcements from OSPS to the users of Workday Application <osps-news at omls.oregon.gov<mailto:osps-news at omls.oregon.gov>>
Subject: OSPS E-News ~ OSPS is moving!

Greetings Payroll Partners,

FBS and OSPS will be moving to back to the Executive Building effective January 6th, 2025.  Because of the move, we will not have access to our equipment and will impact the following:

  *   Mail: We will not have the ability to process mail that is received after 12/23/24, until we return to the office on 1/6/25.
  *   Microfiche: Access to the OSPS microfiche will not be available after 12/23/24. Due to the sensitivity of the equipment (which may need to be fixed or adjusted after the move), and the amount of time to refile the microfiche in new cabinets, we do not have a firm date that this will be available again.
     *   We will send an OSPS News article by 1/10/25 to announce if everything is ready or provide an updated timeline of when we believe it will be available.

Our new address will be:
Department of Administrative Services
Oregon State Payroll Services (OSPS)
155 Cottage Street NE
Salem, OR 97301-3963

This address will be effective January 6th for shuttle service, check pickup and US Postal Service mail.  Please start using this address with the normal title you use for any mail you are shuttling to us starting on that date.  FBS and OSPS staff will periodically check the DAS General Service Building mail room for any mail not using the new address. If you have any questions regarding our permanent move, please reach out to your normal contacts.

Thank you for your understanding during this transition.

Tim Lowry
OSPS Manager

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