[FIT] FW: Announcing Oregon's 10-Year Plan website - New data resource for Oregonians

SMITH Cy * DAS Cy.SMITH at oregon.gov
Tue May 19 14:45:30 PDT 2015

Some of you may have seen this announcement a couple weeks ago.  I wanted to spread the word a little more widely.  This is something GEO assisted with, although most of the heavy lifting was done by Oregon State University and the Institute for Natural Resources.

Cy Smith, GISP, State GIO
DAS/CIO Geospatial Enterprise Office
Past President, Urban Regional Info. Systems Association (URISA)
Past President, National States Geographic Info. Council (NSGIC)
Past Chair, Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO)
(503) 378-6066, http://gis.oregon.gov<http://gis.oregon.gov/>

From: OSU's 10-Year Plan Team
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 12:29 PM
Subject: Announcing Oregon's 10-Year Plan website - New data resource for Oregonians

Oregon's 10-Year Plan
New Online Data Resource for Oregonians

Announcing a new multi-organizational collaboration, Oregon’s 10-Year Plan website.

The site provides maps & charts to visualize trends over time relating to the vision and strategies presented in the 10-Year Plan.

Access data for 44 indicators relating to five Outcome Areas:


This site joins a suite of online resources, including the Rural Communities Explorer and Tracking Oregon's Progress indicators, in providing sound scientific information about people and places throughout Oregon. These resources support data-informed decision making and a prosperous future for all of Oregon's communities.



Data supporting Oregon’s 10-Year Plan is presented through a partnership among:
Oregon State University Libraries and Press and
Institute for Natural Resources’ Oregon Explorer program
Oregon State University Extension Service
Oregon State University Rural Studies Program
State of Oregon Department of Administrative Services


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