[gis_info] 2018 western Oregon 1ft orthoimagery - QC

CALLAHAN Brady * OPRD Brady.Callahan at oregon.gov
Thu Feb 7 12:35:19 PST 2019

The 2018 western Oregon 1ft orthoimagery from the Oregon Statewide Imagery Program (OSIP) has started to be delivered and we need your help to review it!

This year we'd like to reach a wider pool of stakeholders for the review so we're using an ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Web application. In the application a reviewer can examine the imagery, draw and attribute a polygon outlining any issue they find, and then attribute the intersecting review tile as 'good (no issues)' or 'bad (has issues)'. A reviewer can see other issues and tile reviews as well as the status of other tiles but only modify their own issues. A tile review cannot be modified once submitted. Reviews will all be verified before being sent on to the contractor. The imagery is being added to the application as it is received but review of delivered imagery will only be open for a limited time (approximately 3-4weeks) in order to get issues addressed and the product out for use as quickly as possible.

Follow these steps provided by Esri to participate in the OR Imagery Initial Review:

1. Do you have access to an ArcGIS Online (AGOL) organization?  (note – this is the AGOL you use at work or school, not the free public account)
    a. If yes, go to Step 3.
    b. If no, can you get access through your work/school by contacting the Esri administrator for your organization?
        i. If yes, go to Step 2.
        ii. If no, please contact Esri customer care (customercare at esri.com<mailto:customercare at esri.com>) or your Esri account manager to help you get access to an AGOL organization

2. Contact your Esri administrator and request access to your AGOL organization as a Level 2 (Creator) level (note - Level 1 or Viewer level cannot conduct the review tasks). Follow the instructions from your administrator to ensure you can log into AGOL.

3. Log in to AGOL (use your enterprise login if your organization is setup for that)
4. Search for the group “OR imagery review”
5. When the Search results are returned, change the default selection of “Content” to “Groups.” You may also need to turn off the default setting to “Only search in your organization”
6. Locate the group in the displayed search results, click on the name of the group
7. Clicked Join this group (may take a few seconds).
8. You can now open the application and conduct review tasks: https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=b6f672a635054433b28ec6b4963ad23a

Imagery Review Group url:   https://arcg.is/1HCKm9

A short video demonstrating the QC editing process is here: https://youtu.be/nkPu7_i8AZQ

More info about OSIP: https://www.oregon.gov/geo/Pages/imagery.aspx

Oregon's Imagery Explorer image services: https://oregonexplorer.info/content/web-services-stream-imagery?topic=119&ptopic=98

Brady Callahan
Imagery FIT Lead

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