[gis_info] Oregon Utility Framework Data Survey

Sephe Fox SFox at clatskaniepud.com
Thu Jun 23 10:05:02 PDT 2022

We are collecting information from Oregon utility data stakeholders as a first step to refine the list of utilities data elements included in the Oregon Framework Program. Utilities data include electric, gas, communication, waste management, water and sewer.

If you have a need for standardized statewide utility datasets in your work, we really need hear from you. Please make sure your voice is heard.

The survey can be accessed here: https://arcg.is/10PPeW0

If you would like more information about the Oregon Framework Program, that can be found here: https://www.oregon.gov/geo/Pages/fit.aspx

If you would like to add yourself to the listserv for the Utilities Framework Implementation Team, you can do so here, using the link under Utilities FIT Communications on the right hand side: https://www.oregon.gov/geo/Pages/utilframe.aspx

You are welcome to share this survey with anyone who might have an interest in Oregon utilities GIS data.

We really appreciate your time and commitment to improving statewide data collaboration!

Sephe Fox
GIS Analyst, Clatskanie PUD
(503) 308-4621
sfox at clatskaniepud.com<mailto:sfox at clatskaniepud.com>
Mon - Thurs 7am to 5:30pm

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