[HealthyTribes] Reminder - Registration is open for Grantee andContractors Meeting!

Kati MOSELEY kati.moseley at state.or.us
Mon Jun 13 08:44:08 PDT 2011

Hi Everyone,
This is a reminder to please register as soon as you can for the 2011 Grantee & Contractors meeting. Here is the link: 

The hotel is filling up, so we need to get a good room count. Please try to register by Friday of this week if possible. 
Thank you,

>>> "Kati MOSELEY" <kati.moseley at state.or.us> 6/6/2011 5:11 PM >>>

Registration is now available for the 2011 Grantee & Contractors Meeting! Please follow the link at the end of this email to register, but please do read this email first. I want to convey a few highlights/things to look for in the registration process.
You will be asked to answer a few questions about your expectations for the Grantee and Contractors meeting. You will need to do this to complete your registration. Answering these questions will help me, and the other session planners, make this meeting as pertinent to you as possible. 
The web site includes an agenda and session descriptions. Several breakout sessions remain undefined. The content for these sessions will be selected based on your responses to the survey questions. 
We have articulated a policy describing what happens if you register for a hotel room, and then do not occupy it. Please make sure to review this policy when you are selecting whether or not to book a hotel room. As usual, those located outside of a 70 mile radius from the meeting site are eligible for a hotel room. 
We are offering a New Coordinator Orientation on July 26 in the afternoon. This session will be held at the our office building in room 1E. You may be requested by your Liaison to register for this session. If you register, you will be notified of the start time in the next couple of weeks. 
We are offering a WEMS Introduction and Refresher Training on the afternoon of July 28th. You may be requested by your Liaison to register for this session. If you attend this session, you will have lunch provided for you on July 28th, and you may book a hotel room at the conference rate for the night of July 28th (if you live outside of the 70 mile radius and don't wish to drive home after a full meeting day). 
Thank you for participating in this meeting, and if you have any questions, thoughts or concerns, please let me or your Liaison know. 

Kati Moseley, MPH
Workforce Capacity Coordinator 
Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention
Public Health Division
Oregon Health Authority
Tel: 971-673-1002
Email: kati.moseley at state.or.us 

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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