[HealthyTribes] Quarterly report due July 22

Sabrina L FREEWYNN sabrina.l.freewynn at state.or.us
Fri Jun 17 23:59:42 PDT 2011

Greetings, community partners ~
Hope you are well! This email is a reminder that your quarterly report and six-month narrative on Local Program Plan activities from April 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011 is due July22, 2011. Please see the attached memo for guidance on writing and submitting your reports.
As always, let your liaison know if you have any questions!
Thanks for all you do,
Sabrina Freewynn, MPH
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Program
Oregon Health Authority
sabrina.l.freewynn at state.or.us 
phone: 971-673-1121
bb: 971-212-1661
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