[HealthyTribes] Community Transformation Grants news

Luci LONGORIA luci.longoria at state.or.us
Wed Sep 28 07:15:13 PDT 2011


Please see below for more information. While this is greatly unfortunate, the excellent work you do remains of the utmost importance to the health of Oregonians. Onward we go! Thank you for you do.

This message was shared with county health department administrators and tribal health administrators yesterday.



Today we learned the result of our "rest of the state" application to the Centers for Disease Control for Community Transformation Grant funding. Unfortunately, Oregon was not among those states awarded grants. You can find out more about the grant awards here: 
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the states and communities awarded grants. We would also like to thank all those who helped to develop our grant application. Many people came together and contributed to the process on a very short time line.  We appreciate the effort involved and look forward to opportunities for continued collaboration in the future.  Many great interventions were a part of our application and we will look for ways to incorporate those as we move forward.
Although we are disappointed that Oregon did not receive a grant award, we can be proud of the many organizations and people working so hard to improve health in our state with such great success. We will continue the good work we are doing to assist Oregonians in leading healthier lives.  
Jane M. Moore, PhD, RD, Section ManagerHealth Promotion & Chronic Disease PreventionOregon Public Health Division, OHA800 NE Oregon St., Suite 730Portland OR  97232-2162phone  971-673-0984fax   971-673-0994jane.m.moore at state.or.u
Sent from my Blackberry

Luci Longoria, MPH
Mobile: 503-793-9247
Desk: 971-673-1064
luci.longoria at state.or.us

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