[HealthyTribes] Quarterly Reports due October 21

Sabrina L FREEWYNN sabrina.l.freewynn at state.or.us
Fri Sep 30 15:23:55 PDT 2011

Hello County and Tribal Coordinators.
It's time once again for quarterly reports. These are due to your liaison by October 21, 2011. Please see the attached memo detailing the reporting requirements.
We are currently in the process of developing new forms and processes for grantee reporting as a part of the evaluation planning efforts. During this quarter liaisons and selected volunteer counties will pilot the new approach. Thank you to Douglas, Multnomah, Lane, Marion and North Central TPEP Coordinators for volunteering to assist with the pilot. For those county TPEP programs, completion of the pilot will serve as the quarterly report. For those not participating in the pilot, please complete the quarterly report as usual and according to the attached guidelines. 
Once this pilot is complete, NPC Research, the contractors working with us on the evaluation planning efforts, will debrief with the pilot participants and make revisions to the tools and processes. The work will also be reviewed by CLHO Chronic Disease Committee Evaluation Workgroup prior to roll out. We will keep you updated as we move through the pilot and into full use of the new tools and process.
Just to keep you aware, the state is in the process of changing over to a new email server. Our office will migrate on the evening October 11. We hope for a smooth transition with little delay in email but are preparing for possible challenges the week of October 10th through the 14th. Liaisons will confirm the receipt of reports with a brief email to let you know we received it. If you do not receive confirmation it is possible your report did not go through. Please check with your liaison or re-send. 
Please contact your liaison with any questions. We look forward to reading your reports.
Sabrina Freewynn, MPH
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Program
Oregon Health Authority
sabrina.l.freewynn at state.or.us 
phone: 971-673-1121
bb: 971-212-1661
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