[HealthyTribes] National Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Coach Training Announcement

Epstein Andrew D andrew.d.epstein at state.or.us
Thu Apr 3 09:49:14 PDT 2014

TPEP and Healthy Communities Coordinators,

Please help spread the word about a National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Lifestyle Coach Training to be held in Portland on May 16-17, 2014. Consider sharing the information below with any community-based or health care organizations in your community that may be interested in offering an evidence-based program to prevent type 2 diabetes. You can see a list of who in Oregon is offering (or preparing to offer) the National DPP here: http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/prevention/recognition/states/Oregon.htm

If you have any questions about promoting this program, let me know. Don Kain of OHSU's diabetes center is available to speak with anyone who would like to learn more about what's involved in offering this program - scroll to the bottom of this email for his contact info.

Thank you!

Andrew Epstein, MPH, CHES

Community Programs Liaison | Diabetes Program Coordinator
Oregon Health Authority | Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention
Phone 971-673-2379 | Mobile 503-969-5816
andrew.d.epstein at state.or.us<mailto:andrew.d.epstein at state.or.us>

National DPP Lifestyle Coach Training
Portland, Oregon
May 16 - 17, 2014

Is your organization planning on delivering the National Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle change program - the nation's foremost evidence-based program for the prevention of type 2 diabetes? The Diabetes Training and Technical Assistance Center (DTTAC) at Emory University is bringing National Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Coach Training to Portland, Oregon on May 16, and 17, 2014.

DTTAC Lifestyle Coach Training is a highly interactive, 2-day, in-person training with an expert DTTAC Master Trainer that provides your Lifestyle Coaches with the skills, knowledge and experience that they need to successfully facilitate the proven-effective lifestyle change program. DTTAC Lifestyle Coach Training:

  *   Features an interactive, small group format with hands-on practice in group facilitation techniques
  *   Includes detailed review of the core and post-core National DPP curriculum, developed by CDC in collaboration with DTTAC
  *   Includes the most up-to-date information on the CDC recognition process and the national program
  *   Offers continuing education credits for dietitians, certified diabetes educators and nurses.

Dates:  Friday, May 16-Saturday, May 17, 2014; 9:00 am - 5:00 pm both days

Location:  Oregon Health & Science University Center for Health & Healing 2nd Floor March Wellness Fitness Center 3303 SW Bond Ave Portland, Oregon 97239

Fee:  $670 per person (Online payment option is available. The fee includes all training materials. Participants will break for lunch on their own.)

Register:  Click the following link for more information and to register for the training.

Learn more about DTTAC Lifestyle Coach Training<http://www.tacenters.emory.edu/focus_areas/diabetes/lifestyle_coach_training.html>

About the National Diabetes Prevention Program
An estimated 79 million Americans (about 1 in 3) have prediabetes, which means that a person has a blood sugar reading that is higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. The National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) can reduce the risk for transitioning from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes by 58%. The National DPP is a year-long program (16 weekly sessions followed by monthly meetings for the balance of the year) led by trained Lifestyle Coaches. The primary goals of the National DPP are that participants experience a 7% weight loss and average 150 minutes of physical activity on a weekly basis over the course of the program.

A growing number of organizations are offering the National DPP in communities across the U.S. These organizations run the gamut from small community-based organizations serving specific populations, to large health systems. You can see a list of organizations in Oregon that are offering (or preparing to offer) the National DPP here: http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/prevention/recognition/states/Oregon.htm

Lifestyle Coaches come from all walks of life.  Some coaches are medical providers and some aren't. The only requirement of a Lifestyle Coach is that he or she is comfortable leading a group.

Interested in seeing a DPP in action?  Please click on this link: http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/prevention/features.htm

Interested in becoming a National DPP Lifestyle Coach? For information and registration for an upcoming training for Lifestyle Coaches in Portland on May 16-17, 2014: http://www.cvent.com/d/84q2pk

Additional questions about the National DPP?  Feel free to contact Don Kain at 503.494.5249, or kaind at ohsu.edu<mailto:kaind at ohsu.edu>. Don is a National DPP Master Trainer and Diabetes Program Education & Outreach Manager at the Harold Schnitzer Diabetes Health Center at Oregon Health & Science University.

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