[HealthyTribes] Fwd: MPOWER: Use in tribal communities parts 2 and 3

Freewynn Sabrina L sabrina.l.freewynn at state.or.us
Fri Apr 25 13:34:14 PDT 2014


We just received this. It is coming quickly and sounds like a very good opportunity

Sabrina freewynn

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

MPOWER: Use in Tribal Communities Parts Two & Three

April 29, 2014
3-4 p.m. Eastern Time

The National Native Network is hosting parts two and three of the National Native Network Technical Assistance Webinars. The objectives of this webinar are for participants to learn the genesis of the MPOWER Model; for participants to learn how to develop SMART objectives using the MPOWER Model, and for participants to understand the evaluation implications for integrating MPOWER and SMART objectives in their commercial tobacco prevention and control efforts.

Click here<http://www.mmsend36.com/link.cfm?r=1024021820&sid=38539628&m=4136503&u=CADCA&j=18276124&s=https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/565339175> to learn more and register.

Kati Moseley, MPH| Health Promotion Strategist | Center for Prevention and Health Promotion | Public Health Division | Oregon Health Authority | 800 NE Oregon St, Suite 730, Portland, OR 97232 | Phone: 971-673-1002 | Mobile: 971-255-6732 | web: www.oshd.org/hpcdp<http://www.oshd.org/hpcdp>

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