[HealthyTribes] Population Health Management Certificate Program for Oregon Rural Health Care Leaders

Leeb Jordana A JORDANA.A.LEEB at dhsoha.state.or.us
Fri Aug 19 13:39:23 PDT 2016

Population Health Management Certificate Program for Oregon Rural Health Care Leaders
Thanks to a grant from the State of Oregon, special funding has been made available for rural health providers in Oregon to earn a certificate of rural population health management. This series was created to engage hospitals, health clinics, and other rural providers and help them transition to a value-based, population health management environment.
The program will take place over three webcasts: Sept. 27, Nov. 1, and Dec. 6 . The foundation of the program will be three 60-minute webcast lectures. Each webcast will be immediately followed by a 45-minute small-group coaching session. Each webcast includes a self-assessment to help you determine your organization's readiness for population health management and compare your results with the full group of attendees. More information about this series can be found in the attached brochure.
Leaders and managers of rural hospitals, clinics, FQHCs or other health care settings, and those that work directly with these organizations are encouraged to register. Please share this information with others who you feel should attend this program.
This innovative program will prepare you for population health management by giving you:

  *   A clear definition of rural population health management and its components;
  *   Insight into how rural population health management is emerging in Oregon;
  *   A roadmap to plan your organization's population health management role and strategies for implementation;
  *   New clinical performance indicators for population health management; and
  *   One-on-one opportunities to consult with subject matter experts.
  *   Registration Information
To register, visit http://www.oahhs.org/populationhealth
This certificate series is offered at no cost to attendees.
The program is made possible through special funding by the State of Oregon with support from the Oregon Association of Hospitals Research & Education Foundation, the Oregon Office of Rural Health, and the Oregon Medical Association. Kaufman Hall, a trusted advisory in health care management, is providing the educational content, faculty presenters, and technology platform for this series.
If you have questions about this program, or would like additional information, please contact Katie Harris, director of program management at kharris at oahhs.org<mailto:kharris at oahhs.org> or 503-479-6027.

Oregon Public Health Association
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Portland OR 97204
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