[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2009-04-07

Heritage Info heritage.info at state.or.us
Tue Apr 7 16:16:43 PDT 2009

In this issue:
1. Much ado with Northwest heritage on the evening of April 16
2. National Trust offers grant opportunity
3. Poet laureate speaks in Salem on April 16
4. Columbia River center announces fellowship
5. State Lands seeks archaeologist


We hope you are planning to arrive at the Northwest History and
Heritage Extravaganza in Portland before Thursday evening, April 16.
Lots of interesting and exciting activities will be taking place that
evening, putting the close on a day that includes sessions, meetings and
free tours.

Oregon's federally recognized tribes will be staging a special
welcoming ceremony beginning at 5 p.m. It will include a variety of
presentations, as well as the Canoe Family, a youth group of the
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde.

Following the ceremony, you will have to make choices. You may want to
go to Edgefield Manor for tours and perhaps dinner at the historic
structure. The tours are scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m.. and will let
you learn about the history and architecture of the site.

Or you may decide that movies fit your mood. At 7:45 p.m. at the
conference hotel, the movie "American Cowboys" will be presented.  It
tells the stories of Jackson Sundown and George Fletcher.  Jackson
Sundown was the first Native American to win the World Saddle Bronc
Championship at the 1916 Pendleton Roundup.  George Fletcher was an
African American who won the world title at the 1911 Round-Up. The
movie's producers have been invited to make a presentation.

The second movie will begin at 9:15 p.m.  and has been called one of
the greatest movies ever filmed in Oregon. The film is based on a book
by a well-known Oregon author, who also wrote about the Pendleton
Roundup. If you have a notion next week to look at the conference
website http://www.oregon.gov/OPRD/HCD/OHC/Conference.shtml , you will
be able to see the name of the movie.

Now is a good time to register for the Extravaganza as registration
fees increase when the conference begins. 


The next round of the National Trust Preservation Fund grants (formerly
known as the Preservation Services Fund grants) will close on June 1.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation says this will be the final
grant round for its fiscal year. Providing dollar-for-dollar matching
seed money to nonprofit organizations and public agencies, the funds can
be used for a variety of preservation projects such as: feasibility
studies or historic structures reports for endangered buildings and
sites; landscape research and planning; fund-raising and media
campaigns; and interpretation and heritage education activities.

The applications can be found at
http://www.preservationnation.org/resources/find-funding/grants/ . You
are encouraged to contact the Trust to discuss the project prior to
submitting an application. For additional information contact
wro at nthp.org 


Lawson Inada, Oregon*s poet laureate, will speak at noon April 16 in
Room 103 of the Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem. 
Admission is free. 

Inada will deliver a lecture on *Poets Laureate & Poets of Oregon:
Readings and Reflections.* A tribute to poets laureate and other
Oregon poets, his presentation highlights the rich variety of the
state*s poetic history. Inada will read selected works from each
author and open windows into their lives as writers, teachers,
lecturers, editors, and essayists. These men and women of the pen
offered their own personal perspectives of the cultural and historical
landscape they saw around them through
creative and inventive expression. 

For more information contact: Joel Henderson (503) 378-2814
joel.henderson at state.or.us 


The Center for Columbia River History announces the James B. Castles
Fellowship to support original scholarly research that contributes to
public understanding of the history of the Columbia River Basin. The
$3,000 Fellowship is open to graduate students, professional historians
and independent scholars. CCRH encourages proposals from diverse
historical perspectives, including social, ethnic, political, cultural
and environmental studies. 

Fellows will conduct focused research projects in a Columbia Basin
related archive appropriate to the topic. The research should be
completed during the granting year (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010). The
fellow will deliver a public presentation on the research topic or
create an illustrated essay for publication on the CCRH website. The
fellow will also submit an article for possible publication in a
regional journal such as Columbia Magazine, the Oregon Historical
Quarterly, Pacific Historical Review, or Pacific Northwest Quarterly,
and will submit a written report to CCRH about the research. 

The deadline for submitting materials is May 30.  

The Castles Fellowship is made possible by an endowment provided by the
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust to CCRH in honor of James B. Castles, a
founding trustee who promoted the heritage of the Columbia River
throughout his life. 

For more information: visit www.ccrh.org, email info at ccrh.org, or call


The Department of State Lands has announced that it is seeking a
seasonal archaeologist to work from Bend. The person will work closely
with range managers to ensure multiple range improvement projects are
implemented without impacts to pre-historic or historic-periods sites or
artifacts. For more information, see
Oregon Heritage News is a service of the Oregon Heritage Commission,
which can be contacted at heritage.info at state.or.us 

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