[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2016-11-4

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Fri Nov 4 16:32:26 PDT 2016

  1.  Public comment opportunity on Goal 5 rule amendment

  2.  Historic Trails Council to meet in Salem

  3.  Oregon Cultural Trust seeks comment on loan program

  4.  Archaeology positions open

  5.  Grants available for restoration of WWI monuments

  6.  Historic cemetery award nominations open

  7.  Main Street Matters webinar


The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) organized a citizen Rule Advisory Committee (RAC) to consider revisions to the Goal 5 Rule “Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces,” as it pertains to historic resources. Meeting details and information regarding the process and related documents are available on the DLCD website here<http://www.oregon.gov/LCD/Pages/Goal5HistoricResourceRulemaking.aspx>, including an agenda and staff report for the meeting, listing of the members of the RAC and instructions on how to comment on the rule revision. A general fact sheet is available here<http://www.oregon.gov/LCD/docs/rulemaking/Historic_Rule_FAQ_20160819.pdf>.

The rule revision was requested by the Governor’s office due to discrepancies between jurisdictions in how the Goal 5 Rule is applied and potential conflicts between the federal National Register of Historic Places and local land use processes, among other items. The RAC was authorized by a unanimous vote of the present members of the Land Conservation and Development Commission at their July 22nd meeting in Boardman, OR.

Please direct both questions regarding the process and comments for consideration by the RAC to Rob Hallyburton, Community Services Division Manager at rob.hallyburton at state.or.us<mailto:rob.hallyburton at state.or.us> or at Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development, 635 Capitol Street NE, Suite 150, Salem, OR 97301-2540.


The Oregon Historic Trails Advisory Council will meet at the North Mall Office Building, 725 Summer Street, NE in Salem at 1:00 p.m. November 14. This meeting is free and open to the public. OHTAC will be discussing the historic preservation plan of Oregon.

In 1998, the Governor established OHTAC to oversee and provide advice on Oregon's16 historic trails. The Council is made up of nine governor-appointed volunteer-citizens working together to advise the Governor and to locate, preserve and encourage the use of these historic trails by Oregonians and visitors to our state. The Council meets three times a year to explore at least one of the 16 designated historic trails. Guided by local residents and/or public agency experts, the Council members evaluate and record trail conditions and discuss opportunities for the marking, interpretation and protection of the trails. For information visit the OTHAC webpage or contact Loren Irving, 541-480-4167.


As part of our strategic plan<http://culturaltrust.org/wp-content/uploads/legacy/social_image_files/2016-public-plan%20flip%20book.pdf>, the Cultural Trust seeks your input on the potential of an efficient, effective, and competitive loan program to help meet the needs of Oregon’s cultural nonprofits. Many philanthropic organizations across the country are offering programs to address the growing needs of nonprofit organizations. The Cultural Trust is exploring the possibility of developing a loan program in partnership with a Community Develop Finance Institution that provides access to capital through a portfolio of loan programs.

To determine the feasibility of a program like this, your input is needed and valued. Please respond to the linked survey by November 18th. Results from this survey will help better our understanding of your needs.



Oregon State Natural Resources Conservation Service is advertising for multiple Archaeologists, GS-0193-09, with an open date of 11/02/2016, and closing Tuesday, 11/08/2016.  This recruitment is for 3 vacancies that can be filled in multiple locations that include Klamath Falls, Ontario, Pendleton, Redmond, Tangent and Salem.  This advertisement is open to all US citizens. Click here<https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/455241500/> to view on USAjobs.


The U.S. Centennial Commission and Chicago's Pritzker Military Museum & Library have launched a new initiative ahead of next year's centennial commemorations to restore old World War I monuments. The project, 100 Cities/100 Memorials, is encouraging anyone with an interest in renovating war memorials across America to come to the Commission with their ideas.

Any municipal government, individual or organization interested in restoring an existing WWI monument is eligible to apply for funding - and likewise any company or person willing to sponsor the drive is being urged to come forward. Grants of up to $2,000 each, match-funding, are available for any approved scheme; but it's also hoped that funding might rise over time if the hoped-for extra sponsorship and donations do start to flood in.

The deadline for applications is November 11, Armistice Day, 2016. Full details can be found at http://www.worldwar1centennial.org/100-cities-100-memorials-home.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gUhGsPMv7n4ggGXFoZo10JAMhG9RUEzjkYVbV2MYOZJgj5ml20m0vjgGYzjACY1CZNwJ7w5RgIekVXSRCsen1opTY3gAXaZdeFjlPyhxBL6L21pa7Owc-EZzkET3Wg2VqqHuZm5_kFXtn1CbaX3tqbXogBcNnja1OCZYRp6evOW61m2iMgg7404Mil2DNP66deqq_DMir1fkn6mkAJ6HnR2QWQRVCwGnfj0RBO_t4-w=&c=KR2JE_heo7hY7l0r65DzNAAhNXi54TcbGdzwzBihMwEFVzi-ZyU2Lw==&ch=33el61tsBz7wGUKLaiDrfH44C5ykRqFbKJLd7gKHlHVG4SCSnf1MVw==>.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gUhGsPMv7n4ggGXFoZo10JAMhG9RUEzjkYVbV2MYOZJgj5ml20m0vjgGYzjACY1CZNwJ7w5RgIekVXSRCsen1opTY3gAXaZdeFjlPyhxBL6L21pa7Owc-EZzkET3Wg2VqqHuZm5_kFXtn1CbaX3tqbXogBcNnja1OCZYRp6evOW61m2iMgg7404Mil2DNP66deqq_DMir1fkn6mkAJ6HnR2QWQRVCwGnfj0RBO_t4-w=&c=KR2JE_heo7hY7l0r65DzNAAhNXi54TcbGdzwzBihMwEFVzi-ZyU2Lw==&ch=33el61tsBz7wGUKLaiDrfH44C5ykRqFbKJLd7gKHlHVG4SCSnf1MVw==>


We are seeking nominations for the 2017 Forbes and Oakley Awards. The Forbes Award is presented annually by the AGS Board of Trustees to honor an individual, institution, or organization in recognition of exceptional service to the field of gravestone studies. The Oakley Certificate of Merit is presented periodically by the AGS Board of Trustees to individuals and groups that have helped to advance the mission of the Association. The deadline for nomination applications is November 30, 2016. The Awards Ceremony will be held June 24th at the Annual Conference in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. For nomination forms and more information, visit the Awards Page on the AGS website: www.gravestonestudies.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gUhGsPMv7n4ggGXFoZo10JAMhG9RUEzjkYVbV2MYOZJgj5ml20m0viOQXBfAQQCb0LTIdJrRkduks-zb0BZtc3sFBYOnrkVM40pe7c_0yIZaT28XdWhuWFLnofyp-DhAg2hTUuaMG8Y8bZSi9Ufy_IN6XxVoYc6xotX9h-YZwcvGKvffsWwgMw==&c=KR2JE_heo7hY7l0r65DzNAAhNXi54TcbGdzwzBihMwEFVzi-ZyU2Lw==&ch=33el61tsBz7wGUKLaiDrfH44C5ykRqFbKJLd7gKHlHVG4SCSnf1MVw==>.


Thursday, November 17, 2016
2:00 PM — 3:00 PM (Eastern)
This webinar deals with rehabilitation concerns commonly encountered in historic “Main Street” communities. and, how preservation guidelines - specifically the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards - should be met.

So many towns in this country had historic central business districts that were the hub of commerce and social actively. Today, some of these surviving districts are more vibrant than others, but the large majority have experienced economic decline over time as people flocked to the suburbs. The good news is that there is renewed interest in our downtowns, as residents and visitors are attracted to their nice architecture, their convenience, and their overall sense of community. So, with that in mind, it is important to reuse and reinvigorate main street historic buildings, but not compromise their architectural integrity in the process. This is accomplished by meeting the Secretary’s Standards, which, in turn, adds new life to the core of our towns and villages.

Who Should Attend?
Main Street managers, preservation staff of Certified Local Governments; Historic District Commissioners; historic preservation consultants; architects, and developers.


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