[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2018-10-12

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Fri Oct 12 15:23:27 PDT 2018

Oregon Heritage News 2018-10-12

In this issue:

- SAVE THE DATE - 2019 Oregon Heritage Summit, April 25-26, Medford
- Archaeology, Archives, and Historic Cemeteries Events during October
- OCHC meeting, presentation, and workshop Oct. 25-26 in Pendleton
- Oregon Heritage Scholarship available for heritage preservation trainings
- Last call for SHPO archaeology internship applications!
- Oregon Heritage Fellowship open for applications
- NAO session Nov. 8 on Leading & Operationalizing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Nonprofits
- State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation meets October 18 and 19 in Portland

SAVE THE DATE - 2019 Oregon Heritage Summit, April 25-26, Medford

Join us in Medford for the 2019 Oregon Heritage Summit. The focus is helping heritage organizations create a culture of board engagement. Topics discussed including board recruitment, onboarding, retention, and offboarding. The goal of this summit is for folks to get some practical tools to take back to the rest of their board to help them address critical issues such as succession planning, rapid board turnover, burnout, and lack of engagement.

The Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards Banquet will be held the evening of April 25.

For more information or to keep tabs on Summit updates, visit here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/OHC/Pages/Conference.aspx>.

Archaeology, archives, and historic cemeteries events during October

Archaeology Events
See a full list of events happening during Oregon Archaeology Month here<https://oregonheritage.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/archaeology-2018-calendar-of-events.pdf>.

Archives Events
Oct. 17 - Women's Words: Women's Work exhibit reception 4pm-6pm, Special Collections and Archives Research Center reading room, OSU Valley Library 5th Floor. Learn more about the history of women at Oregon State University at this exhibit opening and reception.
Oct. 20 - Archives Crawl<https://portlandarchives.wordpress.com/crawl/> in Portland. 11am-3pm. Free and open to the public.
Oct. 26 - Using History to Imagine Queer and Trans Futures, 4pm-6pm, Special Collections and Archives Research Center reading room, OSU Valley Library 5th Floor. Join the OSU Queer Archives (OSQA) for our annual crafting event using archival materials! Learn about OSU and Corvallis area queer history and be inspired to imagine, create, and "craft" queer and trans futures.
Oct. 27-28 - World of Speed Motorsports Museum Photos & Papers Scan-a-Thon<http://www.worldofspeed.org/archive-blog-1/2018/9/21/archive-month-2018-photos-amp-papers-scan-a-thon>. For those with photos of past races, the museum will scan them and provide free digital copies to those that bring in the photos and papers. For more information or to reserve a time slot with an archivist, visit here<http://www.worldofspeed.org/archive-blog-1/2018/9/21/archive-month-2018-photos-amp-papers-scan-a-thon>. The World of Speed Motorsports Museum has additional events throughout the month of October celebrating their archives. For a complete list of events visit here<http://www.worldofspeed.org/archive-month>.

Historic Cemeteries Events
Oct. 11-13, 19-21 - A Tour to Die For<http://tourtodiefor.com/> at Lincoln City's Historic Pioneer Cemetery. A Tour To Die For is a collaboration between the North Lincoln County Historical Museum, Taft Pioneer Cemetery Association and Theatre West. Stories about the residents of the Cemetery are united with actors to literally bring the history of Lincoln City to life. Information or to buy your ticket visit here<http://tourtodiefor.com/>.
Oct. 20 - Fall Harvest Festival<https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1852441741504065&id=114797275268529&__xts__%5b0%5d=68.ARChZZ1CfAhjEjZuyTxlHiwhpSc0CcQX4VCfFFbnvRQZpGtyD7LtE8yzTlhNWhvI4896HLmFLea79m8rY0-VWCQCawxxuCgMlh-oL6VgJDZmus6yeKkqtGrNVRaYM8mH90TNEpfkHl2LgPJVHwqCOusAtG67D7nX0bsln5aBPiRYFqQSGxKMDg&__tn__=-R> at the Historic Columbian Cemetery in Portland.
Oct. 25-26 - Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/OCHC/Pages/index.aspx> meeting, presentation and workshop in Pendleton at the Heritage Station Museum, 108 SW Frazer.
Oct. 27 - Tombstone Trick or Treat, Lone Fir Cemetery, 12pm-3pm.
Oct. 28 - Talking Tombstones XV<http://www.cumtux.org/default.asp?deptid=1&com=events&eventID=20> in Astoria at the Ocean View Cemetery.

If you have events in October to submit for Oregon Archaeology Month, National Archives Month, or Historic Cemeteries Month, send them to heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov> to be included in the ongoing list of events in the weekly Oregon Heritage News throughout the month of October.

OCHC meeting, presentation, and workshop Oct. 26-26 in Pendleton

Join the Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries (OCHC) in Pendleton on October 25 & 26 for a public meeting, presentation and workshop.

All events are free and will take place at Heritage Station Museum, 108 SW Frazer, in Pendleton.

October 25, OCHC meeting 2:00 - 4:30 p.m.
The agenda includes planning for the next two years, the promotion of historic cemeteries, the historic cemetery permit process, commissioner reports, and future meetings. Interested parties may attend in person or call-in to the meeting. Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Special accommodations and translation may be arranged up to 72 hours in advance of the meeting by calling 503-986-0690.

October 25 , Events in Historic Cemeteries presentation 5:30- 6:30 p.m.
The presentation explores events in historic cemeteries to connect people with their local cemeteries. Cemeteries have a purpose for mourning and memorialization. They also hold the continuous history of the community, the cultural trends over decades and preserved natural space. The presentation will include a historic portrayal, descriptions of musical events and other events found in cemeteries in Oregon and beyond.

October 26, Engaging the Community in Historic Cemeteries workshop 9:30 -11:30 a.m. Historic cemeteries rely on community support for their preservation. This workshop will cover ways to engage the community and develop a core group of supporters.

For more information about the grant program or the OCHC, visit www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org> or contact Kuri Gill at Kuri.gill at oregon.gov<mailto:Kuri.gill at oregon.gov> or 503-986-0685.

Oregon Heritage Scholarship available for heritage preservation trainings

The Elisabeth Walton Potter Oregon Heritage Preservation Scholarship provides financial assistance for Oregon residents to attend a heritage preservation-related conference, workshop, or training in the United States. Eligible travel expenses include registration fees, transportation, lodging, and meals.

It is a competitive application process and scholarships will be offered to those actively involved in local preservation efforts and who demonstrate how attendance at a heritage preservation-related conference, workshop, or training will help meet the heritage preservation needs of their local community. Awards range from $500-$1,500, depending on applicant eligibility, priorities, criteria and the number of applicants. Applications that include some match are more competitive.

This round of applications is for conferences/workshop/trainings occurring between January, 1, 2019-June 30, 2019. Applications are due November 30, 2018.

Some examples of upcoming opportunities this scholarship can be used for:

Preserving the Recent Past 3<https://www.prp3.org/>, Los Angeles, CA
2019 Main Street Now Conference<https://www.mainstreet.org/howwecanhelp/mainstreetnow/now2019>, Seattle, WA
2019 Museums and the Web Conference<https://mw19.mwconf.org/>, Boston, MA
2019 American Alliance of Museum Annual Conference<https://annualmeeting.aam-us.org/>, New Orleans, LA
2019 National Council for Public History Annual Conference<https://ncph.org/conference/2019-annual-meeting/>, Hartford, CT

To learn more or to apply visit http://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/FINASST/Pages/Scholarships.aspx. Contact Katie Henry at (503) 986-0671 or katie.henry at oregon.gov<mailto:katie.henry at oregon.gov> if you have questions.

Last call for SHPO archaeology internship applications!

The Oregon State Historic Preservation (SHPO), part of Oregon with the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, is recruiting student interns to assist with several archaeological projects and other related work. There are two internships available, one from January to March and one from April to June 2019.

For a full job description and more information contact Jamie French at 503-986-0729 or jamie.french at oregon.gov<mailto:jamie.french at oregon.gov>.

Deadline to apply: Monday, Oct. 15, 2018

Oregon Heritage Fellowship open for applications

Oregon Heritage will award up to three $2,000 fellowships to full-time students of an Oregon university for researching, writing and presenting a topic related to history, geography, archaeology, cultural heritage or historic preservation in Oregon. Fellowship recipients will present their research process and findings at the Oregon Heritage Summit in April 2019.

The application deadline is October 22, 2018. More information and a list of past recipients can be found on our website<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/FINASST/Pages/Scholarships.aspx>.

NAO session Nov. 8 on Leading & Operationalizing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Nonprofits

Leading & Operationalizing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Nonprofits
Thursday, Nov. 8, in Portland
Presenter: Rekah Strong, Executive Director, Education Opportunities for Children and Families

Moving to a more diverse, equitable and inclusive organization is definitely not a quick, overnight task - it is a slow process that takes time and concentrated efforts with long term and holistic impact that seeks to remedy longstanding systemic barriers. But, for those of us who serve in a role related to operationalizing these concepts and are ready to move these DEI initiatives forward, we sometimes get tripped up on where and how to make it happen. During this advanced session, Rekah will discuss key questions you need to be asking yourself: Where do we start? What does implementation look like across all areas of an organization? How can we best avoid common pitfalls? This promises to be an engaging session with much to share on how to make it happen!

Audience: Nonprofit Executives, Board Members, HR and Operations Directors and those on their way to joining them in operationalizing concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion in their organizations.

Learn more about this session<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0011gamnmrq8MbocApw6IrI2ujR17QayUFWnW3esiFl857PBE_9kOkwGgrnIJ0r52A6dVQk97I0UB1lfQQvQkabKS1egJF-oPxsivmA_8VV6_nRamlAG8mzl-IG2xupXS2nBhp691UCvbq-x4Kl6_Q_X9YetxuNYZ8aeTuZxAMN1g46yYhCBfP4b1bgggX5EXeFXpucjVEXkYwIoFKcdTvOv19VLgh0mihekzTBgytakwi-EDpXMf10gsB3PHFAM1PG&c=E8UhQSNEXao2yIZYR8_Nm2vcWe4Z2P_ir8WzhHxFb8etmn_YL65zSQ==&ch=WRasIZ9cg6EbHi4hagxTkDxeAI3obaF5VHj_eUfGYe3B6xtLIeY0dQ==>

State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation meets October 18 and 19 in Portland

The State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation (SACHP) will meet Oct. 18 and 19 in Portland's Laurelhurst neighborhood to tour and consider nominations to the National Register of Historic Places.

Thursday, Oct. 18: SACHP will depart at 1 p.m. from the Laurelhurst Club, 3721 SE Ankeny St., Portland for a tour of several properties of the proposed nominations. The tour is open to the public and expected to conclude by 4 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 19: SACHP will meet at 9 a.m. at the Laurelhurst Club to consider nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. The meeting is open to the public.

Friday's meeting agenda: a presentation by the national register program coordinator, and hearings of the six proposed nominations. Hearings will begin at 10:15 a.m. For specific hearing times, refer to the online agenda: www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/NATREG/Pages/nrhp_sachphome.aspx<http://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/NATREG/Pages/nrhp_sachphome.aspx>

The committee will review six proposed nominations: the Kiernan House, Portland; Charles O. and Carie C. Blakely House, Portland; Daniel C. and Katie A. McDonald House, Portland; Charles O. Sigglin Flats, Portland; Central Oregon Canal Historic District, Ward Road to Gosney Road in unincorporated Deschutes County; and the Laurelhurst Historic District, Portland.

Nominations recommended by the SACHP go to the National Park Service, which maintains the Register under the authority of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The SACHP is a nine-member governor-appointed citizen commission with credentials in many historic preservation-related fields.

The meeting site is accessible to people with disabilities. Special accommodations for the meeting may be made with at least three days of advance notice by calling (503) 986-0690. More information about the National Register of Historic Places process is online at www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org> (click on "National Register" at left of page).


Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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