[Heritage] Questions about Textiles? Ask an OH Mentor TOMORROW, 12pm

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oprd.oregon.gov
Mon Nov 28 10:42:07 PST 2022

Questions about Textiles? Ask an OH Mentor TOMORROW, 12pm
Join Oregon Heritage MentorCorp's resident textile expert Kathleen Sligar on November 29, 2022 at 12:00<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fus06web.zoom.us%2Fmeeting%2Fregister%2FtZEpdemrqzkqEtyXwjmL-YKymRMcxxy66q-Y&data=05%7C01%7CKatie.HENRY%40oprd.oregon.gov%7C795efab777c24628c79408dac999eba2%7Caa3f6932fa7c47b4a0cea598cad161cf%7C0%7C0%7C638043960190641942%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=6W%2Fy701Bk3u1%2FreSnH8WGrvHLCxhfHXjj6QiSbfEKhQ%3D&reserved=0> for an open Q&A to ask questions about this tricky to manage resource. Have a collections management question that's not related to textiles? Kathleen is open to answering any and all questions and will do her best to provide resources for support.
Register here to attend!<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fus06web.zoom.us%2Fmeeting%2Fregister%2FtZEpdemrqzkqEtyXwjmL-YKymRMcxxy66q-Y&data=05%7C01%7CKatie.HENRY%40oprd.oregon.gov%7C795efab777c24628c79408dac999eba2%7Caa3f6932fa7c47b4a0cea598cad161cf%7C0%7C0%7C638043960190641942%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=6W%2Fy701Bk3u1%2FreSnH8WGrvHLCxhfHXjj6QiSbfEKhQ%3D&reserved=0> and be sure to include questions in advance during the registration process!
This Q&A session is hosted by Oregon Heritage's MentorCorps program. MentorCorps is a trained group of volunteers with professional experience in collections care, emergency management, and non-profit management. This program is overseen and supported by the Oregon Heritage Commission.
About Our Expert:
Kathleen is director and curator of the Oregon Military museum and, "is a dedicated museum professional with practical, hands-on collections and exhibitions management experience." She has experience in, "leading and supervising diverse teams, to implementing the highest in museum standards, skills include museum collections management, textile conservation, preventive conservation, adult education, mannequin dressing, creating engaging visitor experiences, and exhibition planning and coordination."


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Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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