[HistoricCemeteries] cemetery preservation/excavation fieldwork opportunities?

Robert Keeler robertk at clackamas.edu
Wed Apr 13 10:52:27 PDT 2011

Hi, Trey,

Thanks for your information.  I teach anthropology and geography at Clackamas Community College, just down the road from you.  I'm also a member of the Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries.  If you have not already done so, you should send your info. to  the Oregon SHPO office and get on their consultant list for CRM work.  I don't know how often burial relocation projects occur, but your Bio. Anthro. And related archaeological skills should be helpful on a variety of projects.

I'm on sabbatical this term, so not on campus very much, but would look forward to a chance to meet you sometime.  Another good networking opportunity is the monthly meeting of the Oregon Archaeological Society-the first Tuesday of each month at OMSI.  It's free and usually has a lecture attached to the business meeting.  Mostly avocational archaeology folks, but a number of professionals often show up as well.

Best wishes,

Robert Keeler
Professor of Anthropology & Geography

From: historiccemeteries-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us [mailto:historiccemeteries-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us] On Behalf Of Trey Batey
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2011 9:57 AM
To: historiccemeteries at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Subject: [HistoricCemeteries] cemetery preservation/excavation fieldwork opportunities?

Hello, group members.

My name is Trey Batey.  Last summer, looking for a change of pace, my wife and I moved from Chicago to Portland.  Currently, I teach anthropology courses at Mt. Hood Community College and am looking for CRM or other fieldwork opportunities in the area.  My educational background is in anthropology with a research focus in biological anthropology (bioarchaeology, paleodemography and paleopathology, human skeletal variation...).  I have already reached out to the OR Archaeology listserv and would like to do the same with this group.

If you know of any upcoming projects related to historic cemetery preservation---including any involving excavation for relocation---anywhere near the Portland/Vancouver, please contact me at your convenience.  Also, please feel free to forward my résumé (attached) to any individuals or organizations who may need field/lab technicians with a background in bioarchaeology and human osteology.  Thanks so much.

Best regards,
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