[HistoricCemeteries] laws about pulic cemetery on private property

Carolyn cknuth at charter.net
Sun Nov 11 19:20:57 PST 2012

  Hi Kuri, 
  One of the guys on our cemetery board also belongs to a veterins group. Yesterday they were at a meeting at Izzy's  in Newport.  there is a cemetery behind Izzy's and they were looking at it and were talking about a clean up on it for a group thing. 

  Any way the owner of the property ran them off. 

  I wrote to Chuck Moody about this and here was his reply 

  "It is not a private cemetery but it is on private property. My understanding is the property own does not allow anyone to clean the cemetery. I don't know if you know the Oregon State laws on cemeteries, but my understanding is she has to let at least family of the people buried in the cemetery into visit. But, by appointment, and she does not want people in the cemetery. 


  Could you please write to Steve Allen    oregonarmed at msn.com   I do not know the laws about this and hope you can shed some light on it for him. 

  Thank you Kuri

  Carolyn m Russell
  Historian at Taft Pioneer Cemetery  , Lincoln City OR

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