[kids-lib] CSLP: Early Literacy Manual Call For Ideas

Jessica Marie jmarie at cityofsalem.net
Tue Sep 11 14:19:56 PDT 2012

Hello All!

It's that time again! The Collaborative Summer Library Program is asking for ideas for the Fizz, Boom, Read! Early Literacy Manual 2014.

Please send ideas on any of the topics below to Patti Sinclair at trishsinclair at sbcglobal.net<mailto:trishsinclair at sbcglobal.net> no later than November 1, 2012.

Any recommended books should be currently in print.  Titles available in Spanish are appreciated!  Decorating ideas, too.

The Early Literacy Manual Chapters are:

1.  Colors / Light -- rainbows, shadows, sun, darkness, color blending
2.  Weather / Meteorology -- storms, rain, snow, sun
3. Animals & plants/Biology -- wild animals, pets, zoos, animal habitats forests and plants - animals are done year round in many library programs.  Focus on areas that would be harder for staff to generate ideas on themselves.
4.  Shapes &Numbers/Geometry &Math--  Patterns, sorting, collections, graphs, etc. could all be included in this chapter. Block play.
5.  Sound /Music -- instruments, singing, hearing, making sounds and music
6.  Movement/Physics -- dance, sports, physical activity; also how objects move
7.  Water / Hydrology -- ice, the water cycle, oceans/rivers/lakes, objects sinking/ some elements of earth science.
8 .The Senses/Perception -- taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight (human body...)

Now is the time to share your amazing, wonderful, innovative ideas, and they could be PUBLISHED!

Happy Fall!
Jessica R. Marie, Youth Services Senior Librarian
Salem Public Library

All Oregon public, volunteer, and tribal libraries are members of the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP), and receive a free summer reading manual.  To get the most out of your membership, create an account on the CSLP website (http://www.cslpreads.org/) and you will be able to access additional summer reading resources. CSLP membership dues and manual fees are paid for by the State Library with LSTA funds. Summer reading manuals are distributed by OLAs Childrens Services Division, and both CSD and OYAN members represent you on CSLP committees and at the CSLP annual meeting. 

For more information contact one of your CSLP representatives:

Jessica Marie, CSD Summer Reading Chair: Jmarie at cityofsalem.net 
Katie Anderson, CSLP Oregon State Representative: katie.anderson at state.or.us 
Rick Samuelson, CSD Summer Reading Chair-Elect: ricks at wccls.org 

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