[kids-lib] OLA CSD Happenings

Heather McNeil heatherm at dpls.lib.or.us
Mon Aug 18 13:13:45 PDT 2014

Want to know more about kindergarten assessment and early learning Hubs?  OLA CSD has got it for you.  Want to participate in selecting a Mock Sibert or Mock Caldecott?  OLA CSD had got that for you, too.  Want to watch performers in order to select the best for your library?  OLA CSD comes through again.  Here are the many dates and locations of all this activity.
Showcase of Performers.  A chance to see a variety of performers present 5 minutes of their best entertainment.   Salem Public Library, Saturday, September 27, 9-4.  You can register here.<https://ola.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_173402>
CSD Fall Workshop.  Join your peers and cohorts for a day of learning and sharing.  Speakers will address:

*         Kindergarten assessment (KRA) so we can best design storytimes in order to prepare children for kindergarten.  Michelle Munro from the Ready2Learn Project will talk not only about KRA but also about how library programs in eastern Oregon are benefitting from the information they've learned.

*         Early Learning Hubs.  What are they?  How do we fit in?  What do all their acronyms mean?  Representatives from the Central Oregon Early Learning Hub will explain and inform.

*         Passive programming.  Especially useful for libraries with minimal staffing, this will be an open discussion of ways to provide programs with little preparation and staff involvement.

*         Update on Ready to Read and other State Library activities

*         Update on libraries that are participating in early literacy projects funded by the Oregon Department of Education's Early Literacy Grants.

*         Silent auction!  Bring your treasures to auction, and bring your wallets to buy other treasures.  Proceeds go to the CSD Scholarship Fund.
The location will be the Downtown Bend Library in Bend, from 10-3:30.  You can register here.<https://ola.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_174500>
Mock Sibert Workshop.  December 13, at Wilsonville Public Library.  Children's nonfiction is abundant and amazing.  Come join the discussion on which titles are the best of the year.  Save the date for now.  More details on registration, titles, time and speakers coming soon.
Mock Caldecott Workshop.  January 10, 9:00-4:00, Salem Public Library.  Save the date, and watch for more details in the fall about registration and titles.
See you here, there and everywhere!
Heather McNeil, Incoming OLA CSD Chair
Youth Services Manager
Deschutes Public Library
507 NW Wall St.
Bend, OR  97701
heatherm at deschuteslibrary.org
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