[kids-lib] Help Needed: Kids' Chapter Book Stumper!

Kemper Hodge, Kristy Kristy.KemperHodge at corvallisoregon.gov
Fri Jun 8 12:29:14 PDT 2018

Hi Great Brain!

We've got one heck of a stumper that needs your help because we're not making any headway on it ourselves! It's a kids chapter book that was available at least 7-8 years ago. Here's the details:

-        Set in a desert; features ant colonies, a boy, a stone

-        A boy is playing a video game, when his mom unplugs it to get him to go to school - the title of the book may be the name of the videogame

-        The boy is bullied in the story

-        A Native American gives the boy a turquoise stone that shrinks the boy to the size of an ant

-        The boy can talk to the ants and there's something about a fight with another ant colony and a dwarf ant that is smaller than a regular ant

The book does not seem to be The City Under the Back Steps by Lampman. Any thoughts??
Thank you so much for your help!

Kristy Kemper Hodge
Teen Services Librarian
Enrich | Excite | Explore
Schedule: Tuesday-Saturday
Preferred pronouns: she, her, hers

Corvallis-Benton County Public Library<http://www.thebestlibrary.net/>
645 NW Monroe Ave.
Corvallis, OR 97330
(541) 766-6489
Kristy.KemperHodge at corvallisoregon.gov<mailto:bonnie.brzozowski at corvallisoregon.gov>

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