[kids-lib] Links to tours and programs for kids

Bryce Kozla brycekozla.wccls at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 17:08:00 PDT 2023

Some of you may know that Once upon a Time I was a regular blogger of
library programming/events. While my job has changed considerably since
then, I still continue to get hits on popular event ideas. This summer I've
seen a huge uptick in people I've had to "give permission to" since Google
Drive changed its settings and there are a lot of new visitors.

To help, I've made a new post with updated links gathered in one place.
comes with the caveat that these programming ideas are 10+ years old by
now. If you're new to youth services programming and are looking for a
place to start families and elementary kids, this might be for you :)

If you run or update a program you found at the link above, please let me
know about it!

Bryce Kozla
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