[kids-lib] OYEA! OYAN You’re Excellent Award Nominations are Open!

Brianna Sowinski Brianna.Sowinski at northplains.gov
Fri Jan 10 10:50:47 PST 2025


OYAN invites you to recognize and support the work that a colleague, partner organization, library, program, or initiative has done by nominating them for the OYEA! (OYAN You’re Excellent Award). Preference shall be given to nominees who are supported by a letter of recommendation written and submitted by a teen or teens. Entry deadline is Friday, March 14th, 2025. Send nominations via email to: oyan at olaweb.org<mailto:oyan at olaweb.org>

Full details:

Hello! Apologies for cross-posting ☺️ The OYEA! (OYAN You’re Excellent) Award Nominations are Open! Please consider nominating a colleague, library, organization, program or initiative!

OYEA! OYAN You’re Excellent Award Nominations are Open!

WHO*:  An individual, library, organization, program, or initiative that has made a positive and significant contribution to teens in libraries in the state of Oregon may be given the award. Eligibility requirements:

  1.  The individual, library, or organization shall reside or operate principally in Oregon.
  2.  Only living persons may be considered for the award.
  3.  If a program or initiative is being nominated, it must have occurred within the previous or current year of nomination.
  4.  Nominees don’t need to be active members of OYAN

*Preference shall be given to nominees who are supported by a letter of recommendation written and submitted by a teen or teens.

WHAT: The award shall consist of an engraved plaque and a monetary donation up to $100 to the teen services program of the award recipient’s choice.

WHEN: Entry deadline is Friday, March 14, 2025

WHERE: The award shall be presented at the 2025 Oregon Library Association Annual Conference – at the OYAN Hangout and Awards from 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 24. Location TBD in Eugene Oregon.

WHY: Because we all know what we do, and we’d like others to know what great things are happening with teens & libraries around the state!


Nominations shall include the following information:

  1.  Nominee’s name and/or program title
  2.  Nominee’s contact information
  3.  Description of the nominee’s positive and significant contributions to teens in libraries in the State of Oregon. The narrative may include statements of support from individuals who are familiar with the nominee’s work, or other information that supports the nomination.Preference shall be given to nominees who are supported by teen-written letter(s) of recommendation.
  4.  Need advice? Consult with the Incoming OYAN Chair Kristy Kemper Hodge, kkemperhodge at cityofsalem.net

Send nominations via email to: oyan at olaweb.org<mailto:oyan at olaweb.org>

Nominations and all supporting materials
must be received by Friday, March 14, 2025

Brianna Sowinski
| She/Her/They
Librarian I
| North Plains, Oregon
| www.northplains.gov/library

My work week is: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Proud member of Washington County Cooperative Services<https://www.wccls.org>
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