[LandUse-News] Land Use News

Howard, Lisa lisa.howard at state.or.us
Tue Jan 4 14:33:30 PST 2011

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Jan 4:
The Oregon Department of Forestry is offering grant money to help Douglas County landowners move woody debris to energy production facilities. The program, administered through the department's Roseburg office, is intended to help small woodlot owners remove limbs, brush and other debris created from timber harvests, fire hazard reduction work or road clearing. . .

-The Oregon economy has been built in good measure on cheap energy.-
The dams on the Columbia River have provided some of the nation's lowest electric rates and plentiful power. The result has been aluminum mills, extensive irrigation systems and manufacturing of all kinds. . .

Tom Hughes ready to be sworn in Tuesday as Metro president, just as councilor ...<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.oregonlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2011/01/robert_liberty_resigns_from_me.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAnbWO6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=XUTNfniEgU8&usg=AFQjCNF4Ye64CgT73tZhakQ6P3gwcBSn-A> (OregonLive.com)
Like Stacey, Liberty is a former 1000 Friends director, and before that was a staff attorney with the land-use group. He was elected to represent the Metro ...

How can a farm loop benefit us all?<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.molallapioneer.com/news/2011/January/04/Business/how.can.a.farm.loop.benefit.us.all/news.aspx&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATABOAFAnbWO6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=XUTNfniEgU8&usg=AFQjCNF-uUn-aIbv0pF4DxeIcBUcWwn5sg> (Molalla Pioneer)
Jim Johnson, land use and water planning coordinator for the ODA said there is an uptick of people wanting to get out of shopping at big box grocery stores ...

Jan 3:
Oregon appellate court rejects Yamhill County's approval of Riverbend Landfill ...<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.oregonlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2011/01/oregon_appellate_court_rejects.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAmpKJ6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=GI0mUbd7_DQ&usg=AFQjCNE_7tsxivXlskF9uod-dEN5TRiLbw> (OregonLive.com)
Opponents, including the county farm bureau and the Willamette Valley Wineries Association, appealed the county commissioners' decision to Oregon's Land Use ...

Robert Liberty Resigning from Metro; Successor Could Be Bob Stacey<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://blogs.wweek.com/news/2011/01/03/robert-liberty-resigning-from-metro-successor-could-be-bob-stacey/&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATABOAFAmpKJ6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=GI0mUbd7_DQ&usg=AFQjCNGnEflOGxFz2EQmXMjm4AelzWeRhg> (Willamette Week blog)
Liberty, a former director of the land-use group 1000 Friends of Oregon, first won election to Metro in 2004, representing District 6, which covers parts of ...

La Pine City Wants the Biomass Project<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.kbnd.com/page.php%3Fpage_id%3D60247%26article_id%3D4338&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATACOAJAmpKJ6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=GI0mUbd7_DQ&usg=AFQjCNHopI9iWhC6iJyad3gky0JhyOv2DA> (KBND)
La Pine Interim City Manager Rick Allen says the union can still appeal to the State Land Use Board of Appeals. The Oregon Department of Environmental ...

Oregon biomass plant project appeal denied<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.biomassmagazine.com/articles/5187/oregon-biomass-plant-project-appeal-denied&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATADOANAmpKJ6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=GI0mUbd7_DQ&usg=AFQjCNFOMKcoirGrtcr-2BjQJ3lk5SRRxQ> (Biomass Power & Thermal)
"We own a 26000-acre parcel of land approximately 30 miles southeast of our project," he said. "Although a part of our fuel story, our own timberland won't ...

Bring OSU to Portland: Education on the South Waterfront and industry on ...<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2011/01/bring_osu_to_portland_educatio.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAEOARAmpKJ6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=GI0mUbd7_DQ&usg=AFQjCNH8jmitYKbSCjMaK3mdJqvNptnHDw> (OregonLive.com)
Of course, there's the land-use problem: How can Portland spawn spin-off companies when the city is starved of industrial land? Perhaps the answer is not to ...

Oregon land dispute drags on for decade<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://tdn.com/news/state-and-regional/oregon/article_a024fabe-7a02-5fdb-b26d-f97cc0a73706.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAKOApAmpKJ6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=GI0mUbd7_DQ&usg=AFQjCNEfy2zEOGYJXkFHojZ-UhLeUz5iCw> (Longview Daily News)
Linn County Commissioner Roger Nyquist said the case shows that Oregon's land use process is broken. "It has taken 10 years, and I don't have any idea how ...

Editorial: Wind power and big birds<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.democratherald.com/news/opinion/editorial/article_28e1993e-1757-11e0-a015-001cc4c03286.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATANOA1AmpKJ6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=GI0mUbd7_DQ&usg=AFQjCNGVy6K0cgzzEuvSeSYCJJj4B9UQDg> (Albany Democrat Herald)
None of that would even come up as a problem if the nation, and states including Oregon, had taken a sensible approach to energy production that doesn't dam ...

Jan 2:
A YEAR OF BURNING ISSUES FOR BIOMASS ENERGY -- OPINION (Portland Oregonian) http://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2011/01/a_year_of_burning_issues_for_b.html
-A key project is off the ground in Lakeview, but tax incentives are imperiled and the EPA is about to close the damper on turning woody debris into energy-
These days it seems that no political speech in Oregon is complete without an ode to biomass energy. . .

Wine growers worldwide regard Oregon as offering prime grape-growing terrain, prompting the vineyard boom of recent years. . .

RULES REGULATING PESTICIDE SPRAYING VARY WIDELY BY STATE (Eugene Register-Guard) http://www.registerguard.com/csp/cms/sites/web/news/sevendays/25639653-35/drift-spray-oregon-california-product.csp
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has spent the past decade considering adding warnings to herbicide product labels against applying the chemicals in ways that can result in drift, but has yet to mandate the change. . .

DYING ON THE VINE (Eugene Register-Guard)
-An Oakland wine grape grower wages a costly fight against damaging pesticide drift-
The 2010 grape harvest on Legacy Vineyards could have been worse. Considering the wet spring, cool summer and late harvest marred by the arrival of hundreds of hungry migrating birds, the 6 tons of tempranillo grapes and 3 tons of pinot noir were a respectable take. . .

WE NEED TO OVERHAUL THE WAY WE MANAGE FEDERAL FORESTS -- GUEST OPINION (Eugene Register-Guard) http://www.registerguard.com/csp/cms/sites/web/news/sevendays/25715656-35/owl-federal-management-spotted-recovery.csp
I recently participated in a meeting with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in Washington, D.C., regarding federal forestlands in Western Oregon. Nearly the entire Oregon congressional delegation also attended. . .

Land dispute drags on a decade<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.kmtr.com/news/local/story/Land-dispute-drags-on-a-decade/Xmm2NsAhTkCIT8_gcknaZw.cspx&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAFOAVAvu-D6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=3NpBZiSP-uI&usg=AFQjCNE-yJZ4EJaW8xd6li893rymv1TZxQ> (KMTR NewsSource16)... a group that tries to conserve farm and forest lands. Linn County Commissioner Roger Nyquist says the case shows that Oregon's land use process is broken. . .

Concerned about grouse, groups ask China Mountain developer to reconsider<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.magicvalley.com/news/local/twin-falls/article_3e86b64c-1613-11e0-a241-001cc4c03286.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAHOAdAvu-D6QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=3NpBZiSP-uI&usg=AFQjCNGBU97DEyrwRK3vW5kbXXT4OQTALw> (Twin Falls Times-News)
In general, BLM favors allowing wind power on public land. More than 50 BLM land-use plans have been amended to allow for wind power. ...

Jan 1:
ON FOREST ISSUES, OREGON MUST BREAK FREE -- OPINION (Portland Oregonian) http://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2011/01/on_forest_issues_oregon_must_b.html
To get their economy flowing again, Oregonians must carve a fresh path around the barriers that have blocked productive management of public lands . . .

Oregon albacore advocates are reeling over a widely read publication's warning of high levels of mercury in white tuna. . .

Dec 31:
LAWMAKER: LAND REFORM, WATER, FORESTS ARE KEY TO BUSINESS RECOVERY -- GUEST OPINION (Oregon Business Report) http://oregonbusinessreport.com/2010/12/lawmaker-land-reform-water-forests-are-key-to-business-recovery/
Oregon is still in the deepest recession since the Great Depression. Over the past two years or so, Ive been asked by thousands of Oregonians what state government is going to do about it. The 2009-10 Oregon Legislature took three actions that I think will help. In 2009 bills were passed: . . .

Dec 30:
Growth and Prosperity<http://www.eugeneweekly.com/2010/12/30/analysis.html> (Eugene Weekly)
Most cities in the U.S. have operated on the assumption that growth is inherently beneficial and that more and faster growth will benefit local residents economically. Local growth is often cited as the cure for urban ailments, especially the need for local jobs. But does the empirical evidence show that growth is actually providing these benefits? . . .

Appeals court sends Measure 37 claim by Ralph and Norma Johnsons ...<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.oregonlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2010/12/appeals_court_sends_measure_37.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgAIAAoATAAOABAwJTz6ARIAVgBYgVlbi1VUw&cd=HLrdbysOrIY&usg=AFQjCNFasOJ4XSBqpsSD_3tcc_RMwP1ZJQ> (OregonLive.com)
Case by case, Oregon courts are wading through the legal issues remaining from ... Under Measure 49, passed by voters in 2007 to reel in development claims, ...

Cascade-Siskiyou Crest, and plans to declare it a national monument<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.oregonlive.com/travel/index.ssf/2010/12/cascade-siskiyou_crest_and_pla.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAoIb06ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=eZCLq7Q368Y&usg=AFQjCNFue1ntnX2dm4aTD9A0jWVX39q92w> (OregonLive.com)
Some residents resent what they see as government interference, particularly when it would lead to restrictions on land use, including potentially reduced ...

Crook Point Golf Resort approved by BOC<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.currycountyreporter.com/news/story.cfm%3Fstory_no%3D6792&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATADOANAoIb06ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=eZCLq7Q368Y&usg=AFQjCNEGwa8tDQsHR7MdNtduK-nFNA9qqg> (Curry County Reporter)
It is unknown whether any environmental groups will appeal the decision to the Land Use Board of Appeals, but if any do, they will have 21 days in which to ...

Appeal Of La Pine Biomass Project Rejected <http://opbnews.org/article/27850-appeal-la-pine-biomass-project-rejected/> (OPB)
A proposed biomass plant in La Pine cleared a major hurdle on Wednesday when the La Pine City Council rejected an appeal that aimed to block the project. . .

Metro approves disc golf course in Fairview<http://djcoregon.com/news/2010/12/30/metro-approves-disc-golf-course-in-fairview/> (Daily Journal of Commerce)
The Metro Council, with support from the city of Fairview, has conditionally approved turning 70 unused acres of land at the eastern end of the Blue Lake Regional Park in Fairview into a gold-level certified disc golf course.

Property classification rule faulty, some say<http://djcoregon.com/news/2010/12/30/property-classification-rule-faulty-some-say/> (Daily Journal of Commerce)
Some real estate professionals say a state classification of warehouses and distribution facilities as manufacturing facilities unfairly charges excessive property taxes.

Dec 29:
The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries DOGAMI has published new landslide maps that identify 257 existing slides in the 48 square miles covered in the Portland area maps, with the largest slide being 8 million square feet -- roughly the size of 90 football fields. . .

Making Plans: What Other Cities Say About Their Futures<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.citylimits.org/news/articles/4266/making-plans-what-other-cities-say-about-their-futures&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAGOAZAyuPu6ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=Ux_fzOm9Fl4&usg=AFQjCNFvD0OyaeQub10i8Uz2QQOkk1TIDw> (CityLimits.org)
But then New York's approach to land use began to diverge from other major cities that opted to prepare comprehensive plans. Unlike zoning, which is a ...

Dec 28:
More restrictive zones harry airport expansion<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://blog.oregonlive.com/hillsboroargus/2010/12/more_restrictive_zones_harry_a.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATABOAFAq8Dp6ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=Rh4Fptarme4&usg=AFQjCNG0VnVPywVKtsI1usC1qBMAF4CGcQ> (OregonLive.com blog)
Barnes sought review from the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals, arguing that the re-zoning violated both the federal and state constitutions, ...

Ore. blueberry vinter gets go-ahead from county<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.columbian.com/news/2010/dec/28/ore-blueberry-vinter-gets-go-ahead-from-county/&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAq8Dp6ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=Rh4Fptarme4&usg=AFQjCNGZUO4zrjwiK6rLJNJyiuZ8-5Blng> (The Columbian)
He can make wine with restrictions on land use and building that he says are more stringent than what he would have gotten with a winery. ...

Lisa Howard | Assistant to the Director
Director's Office
Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development
635 Capitol Street NE, Suite 150 | Salem, OR  97301-2540
Office: (503) 373-0050 ext. 271 | Cell: (503) 383-8911 | Fax: (503) 378-5518
lisa.howard at state.or.us<mailto:lisa.howard at state.or.us> | www.oregon.gov/LCD<http://www.oregon.gov/LCD>

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