[LandUse-News] Land Use News

Howard, Lisa lisa.howard at state.or.us
Tue Apr 12 15:06:20 PDT 2011

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Land Use News is an electronic news clipping service provided by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. Land Use News emphasizes local reporting and commentary on land use in Oregon and other states.

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April 12:
A bill that would have eliminated Metro's authority to set urban growth boundaries and "dictate" comprehensive land-use plans to cities and counties died a quiet death Monday in the Oregon Legislature.

Land use law alert: Oregon be nimble, Oregon be quick: SB 766 and industrial ...<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx%3Fg%3Dea3530fa-4463-49ca-af12-312aa332da32&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATACOAJA7viN7QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=kEt5gbCMBBo&usg=AFQjCNExt1wEturU2HmdXq_x7LcZjNZI7g> (Lexology, registration required)
By Michelle Rudd SB 766's proposed fast tracking of certain industrial developments includes provisions limiting the role of local government in approving the projects and bypassing the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). As the state and its subregions ...

House OKs bill aiding shut-out resort planners<http://www.bendbulletin.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20110412/NEWS01/104120356/1001/NEWS01&nav_category=NEWS01> (Bend Bulletin)
Law would allow more time to build elsewhere
SALEM - When some of Rep. John Huffman's colleagues saw the word "Metolius" on....

Deschutes may ease rules on wind turbines<http://www.bendbulletin.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20110412/NEWS01/104120353/1001/NEWS01&nav_category=NEWS01> (Bend Bulletin)
For residents frustrated with Deschutes County's limits on wind turbines, change could be...

April 10:
In Sunday: Priorities in government<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.heraldandnews.com/breaking/article_a5fcad60-6337-11e0-9e98-001cc4c002e0.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAnNWI7QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=n1-h7U7Z2vE&usg=AFQjCNG7-RSrIr7uOT-I7d9bxT-OlooAgg> (Herald and News)
In a March 19 interview with the Herald and News, Garrard said his priorities included land-use laws, specifically breaking down the state Land Conservation and Development Commission into five regional boards, which would give rural areas more say in ...

Letter: The best source: geothermal<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.democratherald.com/news/opinion/mailbag/article_5f77eefa-6331-11e0-98a0-001cc4c03286.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAEOARAnNWI7QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=n1-h7U7Z2vE&usg=AFQjCNEByl4g5BelD2JGkMJCvcRnySL1FA> (Albany Democrat Herald)
For this reason, he says: "We will need, as we did in the Second World War, all spare land for growing food. To use land for wind farms, or worse for biofuels, could make us appreciably hungrier." However, in his book "The Revenge of Gaia" (available ...

Wind industry running 'afowl' of avian conservations groups<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.tulsaworld.com/site/articlepath.aspx%3Farticleid%3D20110410_214_G1_CUTLIN267381%26allcom%3D1&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAJOAlAnNWI7QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=n1-h7U7Z2vE&usg=AFQjCNF3Btry4CrJ476dLGWA_pjWqKMJFQ> (Tulsa World)
The spotted owl in Oregon, for instance, blocked logging in areas of the Pacific Northwest. Least tern nesting sites along the Arkansas River in Tulsa are protected. Recently, NASA dropped plans to use wind to generate electricity for a Massachusetts ...

MANY GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS ARE WASTEFUL, BURDENSOME -- GUEST OPINION (Eugene Register-Guard) http://www.registerguard.com/web/opinion/26075985-47/regulations-government-regulation-rule-cost.html.csp
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is currently seeking comments on proposed rule changes that would extend its authority to smaller parcels of land and increase fees to cover program cost increases.

April 9:
Rep. Sheehan and Rep. Wand's bill would reign in Metro<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://oregoncatalyst.com/8807-rep-sheehan-rep-wands-bill-reign-metro.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAlbKD7QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=d6YvsjKbKlM&usg=AFQjCNHIL_Z5OXdsfhTzozYn-tkaRHqUAQ> (Oregon Catalyst)
Matt Wand (R-Troutdale) Friday urged the House Transportation and Economic Development Committee to approve their bill to give smaller communities in Clackamas, Washington and Multnomah Counties greater control over land use planning. ...

Speakers at House hearing assail Metro, while letter writers oppose House Bill ...<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://news.oregonmetro.gov/1/post.cfm/speakers-at-house-hearing-assail-metro-while-letter-writers-oppose-house-bill-3438-sheehan-suggests-task-force-to-look-at-agency&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATABOAFAlbKD7QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=d6YvsjKbKlM&usg=AFQjCNEYiBwU9Z1nFaBPOK18vm5OmurqaQ> (Metro newsfeed)
In his testimony, Sheehan said the need for a regional planning partner for cities has changed from a time, decades ago, when land use planning was broad and less defined. "In 1979, this was the first instance of regional government in the country," ...

Umatilla annexes Vadata land<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.hermistonherald.com/news/umatilla-annexes-vadata-land/article_2df3ebee-61fc-11e0-ab94-001cc4c03286.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATACOAJAlbKD7QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=d6YvsjKbKlM&usg=AFQjCNFHPDjBC9Joqbx3RXDck0mQjf2C0g> (Hermiston Herald)
Ian Wrightson of Amazon Web Service Business Development attended Tuesday's council meeting and confirmed that the Internet giant is in the process of developing three data centers in Eastern Oregon: two near Boardman and one at the Umatilla site. ...

West Linn family considering legal action against city over wetland protection ...<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.oregonlive.com/west-linn/index.ssf/2011/04/west_linn_family_considering_legal_action_against_city_over_wetland_protection_dispute.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAKOApAlbKD7QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=d6YvsjKbKlM&usg=AFQjCNFD-lhXoWddMJZ0izN8slxzhpTQPg> (OregonLive.com)
The Land Use Board of Appeals upheld the city's decision in March. The Bundys have recently taken their grievance to Oregon Court of Appeals and say they are considering suing the city. "I'd be happy to pay a fine that's reasonable," said Troy Bundy. ...

April 8:
With General Electric Co.'s announcement Thursday that it would build the country's largest solar panel factory in a state to be named later, the race was on. And Oregon will compete, the head of the state's economic development agency said.

Hi friends, Gwen here with news about an event Monday at the capitol and about legislation that affects some property owners and many dogs and dog owners.

BILL WOULD EXPAND OREGON'S BOTTLE BILL (Salem Statesman Journal) http://www.statesmanjournal.com/article/20110408/STATE/104080340/0/CUSTSERV/Bill-would-expand-Oregon-s-bottle-bill?odyssey=modlateststories
-Redemption centers and 10-cent deposit part of proposal-
Two Salem lawmakers Thursday launched the latest effort to expand Oregon's bottle bill.

April 7:
With recent headlines, the question of how we will continue to safely and sustainably power our homes, cars, industry and agriculture -- along with the American economy -- is raised again and again. As we grapple with these rather dark questions, the opportunities and our growing successes with renewable energy illuminate the discussion with a new light, one that grows brighter each year.

LUBA AFFIRMS PLAN TO BUILD GAS STATION (Newberg Graphic) http://www.newberggraphic.com/news/2011/April/05/Local.News/luba.affirms.plan.to.build.gas.station/news.aspx
-Station opponents say traffic was the issue, not competition; construction could begin this summer-
Fred Meyers attempt to build a gas station at its Newberg store has had a bumpy road over the past several years, but the plan may finally be in the clear. The Land Use Board of Appeals ruled last week that the citys approval of the project, challenged by the stations would-be competitors, was valid on all points raised.

Metro's emissions plan must cut traffic<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.tigardtimes.com/news/story.php%3Fstory_id%3D130212714380025100&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATABOAFAlOz47ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=edCv7ebI2a4&usg=AFQjCNHIvggcUriLhmhhYlSadyj2QntN2A> (The Times)
"This is a highly significant step, but it's far from the first one, and it's far from the last," said Angus Duncan, chairman of the Oregon Global Warming Commission. It's proper to ask local governments to do their part when it comes to land-use and ...

Mayor's e-mail riles potential Fred Meyer developer<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.registerguard.com/web/newslocalnews/26094739-41/stadium-civic-piercy-fred-mayor.html.csp&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAEOARAlOz47ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=edCv7ebI2a4&usg=AFQjCNGbFQ2dCAajo9FftGb6CS9KLg9d8w> (The Register-Guard)
Of the three proposals, the commercial uses in Master's development would require changes in the city's land use plan. The latter action only can be made by the City Council. The mayor only votes in case of a tie on the eight-member council. ...

Sustainable Streets<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://greensource.construction.com/features/other/2011/1104_Sustainable_Streets.asp&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAFOAVAlOz47ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=edCv7ebI2a4&usg=AFQjCNH9dpEaZF1fRWXJ4IxQi2tUviUPrw> (Green Source)
In Portland, Oregon, transit investments and improvements to cycling and walking infrastructure since 1993 have resulted in per capita emissions reductions of 12.5 percent below 1990 levels. Charlotte, North Carolina, was an early adopter of the ...

April 6:
Where To Grow, What To Protect? Battle Lines Being Drawn In Washington County<http://news.opb.org/article/where-grow-what-protect-battlelines-being-drawn-washington-county/> (OPB)
A long-term growth plan for the whole Portland region has taken years of work. But now all that effort could unravel, over a few controversial spots in Washington County.

King Estate supports local farmers, creates jobs, pays taxes Guest viewpoint<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://special.registerguard.com/web/opinion/26071916-47/king-estate-county-lane-emmons.html.csp&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAksnz7ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=_7wiKuDQyBY&usg=AFQjCNF0-CPFoGb2WSxaVIfSNhyX264o1g> (The Register-Guard)
At no time has Lane County suggested that King Estate must apply for a land use permit for the winery. Emmons' theory rests on a tortured view of current law regarding wineries. Emmons has not pointed to any Oregon county, state agency or court that ...

Portland-area emission reduction on the horizon<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.sustainablebusinessoregon.com/articles/2011/04/portland-area-emission-reduction-on.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATACOAJAksnz7ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=_7wiKuDQyBY&usg=AFQjCNHflsgmpJlqOLBVHg4YTjUttQgdmw> (Sustainable Business Oregon blog)
Metro was ordered by the Oregon Legislature in 2009 to work with the state's department of transportation to deliver "two or more alternative land use and transportation scenarios" by 2012 that would reduce emissions. Last week at the summit, ...

Setback proposed to protect wildlife<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.democratherald.com/news/local/article_ed828dda-6062-11e0-96c9-001cc4c002e0.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAHOAdAksnz7ARIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=_7wiKuDQyBY&usg=AFQjCNFkP-4KHxXQYiBu06fzDBo9A6F3ow> (Albany Democrat Herald)
The goals govern planning and land use in Oregon. Goal 5 deals with the protection of natural resources. Under the goal, Albany must inventory, designate and protect significant wetlands, wildlife habitat and riparian areas, which are along the banks ...

Lisa Howard | Assistant to the Director
Director's Office
Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development
635 Capitol Street NE, Suite 150 | Salem, OR  97301-2540
Office: (503) 373-0050 ext. 271 | Cell: (503) 383-8911 | Fax: (503) 378-5518
lisa.howard at state.or.us<mailto:lisa.howard at state.or.us> | www.oregon.gov/LCD<http://www.oregon.gov/LCD>

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