[LandUse-News] Land Use News

Howard, Lisa lisa.howard at state.or.us
Tue Jul 26 17:04:16 PDT 2011

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July 25:
NEW PLAN WILL DIRECT MANAGEMENT OF TILLAMOOK FOREST (Portland Oregonian) http://www.oregonlive.com/argus/index.ssf/2011/07/new_plan_will_direct_managemen.html
The Oregon Department of Forestry on Tuesday announced new implementation plans for management of 250,000 acres of state-owned forestland in Clatsop and Tillamook counties, carrying out revised direction from the state Board of Forestry.

MORE BIOMASS JOBS COMING TO WALLOWA (East Oregonian) http://www.eastoregonian.com/news/regional/more-biomass-jobs-coming-to-wallowa/article_e20eeab2-b48f-11e0-a17a-001cc4c002e0.html
-Arrangements nearly finalized to start plant at old mill site-
 The woody biomass production industry and Wallowa County government are forming a unique business relationship to provide jobs to one of the most economically depressed areas of the county.

STATE MUST BUY RECREATION LAND TO COMPENSATE FOR HUGE SOLAR PROJECT NEAR WILSONVILLE (Portland Oregonian) http://www.oregonlive.com/clackamascounty/index.ssf/2011/07/state_must_buy_recreation_land.html
Is going to the bathroom a recreational activity?

Access to premier steelhead and Chinook waters, trails and public lands prompted the U.S. Forest Service to purchase private property adjacent to the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.

Land-use officials contest court's urban growth boundary decision<http://djcoregon.com/news/2011/07/25/dlcd-concerned-by-court-of-appeals-decision-on-mcminnville-ugb-expansion/> (Daily Journal of Commerce)[http://djcoregon.com/wp-files/key.png]
Urban growth boundary expansions usually put land-use activists and city governments at odds in Oregon. But in McMinnville are two other unlikely foes: the Oregon Court of Appeals and the Land Conservation and Development Commission. State land-use officials today expressed concern over a recent Court of Appeals decision to overturn McMinnville's urban growth boundary expansion, which was ...

July 24:
Klamath County needs jobs badly; keep biomass plant moving forward<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.heraldandnews.com/viewpoints/article_98da081e-b5ab-11e0-aa7d-001cc4c03286.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAmrCy8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=UXC3MyK1ZXU&usg=AFQjCNFQjQYla510iht1J_19f3EhFOXpGw> (Herald and News)
Last month, we said in an editorial that we saw no reason to stop landowners from making any legal use of their land if the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality said the biomass plant is not a significant threat to air quality. ...

July 23:
Riverbend foes argue against zone change<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.newsregister.com/article%3FarticleTitle%3Driverbend%2Bfoes%2Bargue%2Bagainst%2Bzone%2Bchange--1311438832--1243--home-news&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAmY2t8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=dqUOxMSFl40&usg=AFQjCNGghrVC4-AzDCVp0XsPzYCehzcbFQ> (McMinnville News-Register)
Yamhill County allows landfills only in public works safety zones, and Riverbend wanted to expand into a farm zone, so the county required the landfill to take a legal exception to the state's land use planning goal that requires the preservation of ...

July 22:
Court reverses Benton County land decision<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.democratherald.com/news/local/article_f9014512-b46c-11e0-be8e-001cc4c002e0.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAk-qn8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=NgfDkeGzLqI&usg=AFQjCNEbb1finQjXxaKITxvfibr2wilrVA> (Albany Democrat Herald)
The Oregon Court of Appeals has found for a Benton County landowner in a land-use dispute, but the effect of the decision remains unclear. The appeals court filed its decision in favor of Charles M. Fischer on July 13, sending the case back to the ...

GENERATIONS OF OREGONIANS WORK THEIR FAMILY FARMS (Portland Oregonian) http://www.oregonlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2011/07/generations_of_oregonians_work.html
Oregon's Century Farm program honors farm and ranch families that have worked the same land for 100 years or more.

-Redfish Rocks and Otter Rock studies will continue-
Despite Oregons $3.5 billion shortfall, limited funding has been approved for developing Oregons marine reserves sites.

OREGON FARMERS DISCUSS POSSIBLE CONSERVATION PROGRAM CUTS (mycentraloregon.com) http://www.mycentraloregon.com/news/local/1306915/Oregon-Farmers-Discuss-Possible-Conservation-Program-Cuts.html
More than 900 Oregon farmers could have their water and soil conservation plans cut, if Congress trims funding for programs as part of this year's Farm Appropriations Bill.

July 21:
LNG DOES AN ABOUT-FACE -- OPINION (Eugene Register-Guard) http://www.registerguard.com/web/opinion/26576142-47/gas-lng-exports-oregon-terminals.html.csp
-Now, the opportunities are found in exports-
Oregons long-running battles over liquefied natural gas terminals have been turned upside down. The boom in U.S. and Canadian natural gas production has eliminated the need for natural gas imports, while the economic logic for LNG exports has become compelling  particularly from West Coast terminals. New conditions will require new thinking.

Oregon State economist Bruce Sorte estimated the total economic loss will be about $17 million. Sorte said about 680 jobs will be lost in Umatilla and Morrow counties.

Siblings Agnes and Charlie Chegwyn ensure their 102-year-old McMinnville farm ...<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.oregonlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2011/07/the_changing_nature_of_oregon.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAAOABAk8ei8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=SYBI7lhjN1c&usg=AFQjCNENjHSh9uEVN86jZUovRx6UBOkG1g> (OregonLive.com)
Oregon law provides a strict land-use wall to shield farms from development, but the preservation of Chegwyn Farms is an unusual collaboration that accommodates both, Stieber says. The Chegwyn farm in McMinnville is 100 years old The Chegwyn farm in ...

Cottonwood Canyon State Park plan before state parks commission<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://blog.oregonlive.com/terryrichard/2011/07/cottonwood_canyon_park_plan_ap.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATABOAFAk8ei8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=SYBI7lhjN1c&usg=AFQjCNEVQHHurNiFeLeiHlOO60kkuqhoZA> (OregonLive.com)
Following the commission's approval this week, the land use plan will need to be adopted by the two affected counties: Sherman (Moro is the county seat) and Gilliam (Condon is the county seat). These are Oregon's second and third smallest counties by ...

WinCo Foods preliminary site plan for second Beaverton site<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.oregonlive.com/beaverton/index.ssf/2011/07/winco_foods_preliminary_site_plan_for_second_beaverton_site.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATACOAJAk8ei8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=SYBI7lhjN1c&usg=AFQjCNH5UrrgjfDSqmHrAC48Nrt_TqgOPg> (OregonLive.com)
The city must first approve changing the site's land-use from employment, designated for office and industrial uses, to corridor, designated for retail. Then, WinCo can apply to the city for a new store. The location is at 15005 SW Tualatin Valley ...

City told to avoid farmland<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.capitalpress.com/content/mp-land-use-reversal-072211&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATADOANAk8ei8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=SYBI7lhjN1c&usg=AFQjCNE3vW9Qxl5xq9dZq3Yge9zZj9-vmg> (Capital Press)
The court found that the city and the state's Land Conservation and Development Commission had misinterpreted Oregon land use laws in approving the plan. McMinnville had planned to extend its urban growth boundary to provide for about 660 acres of new ...

Appeals deadline for Fanno Creek bridge passes, while Tigard delays hearing on ...<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.oregonlive.com/tigard/index.ssf/2011/07/post_3.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAKOApAk8ei8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=SYBI7lhjN1c&usg=AFQjCNHNCuBIyLN58YRNm7Saq6vNr8GuqA> (OregonLive.com)
"As with any land use approval, it's not the end of the story," she said. "Sometimes, it's just the beginning." Meanwhile, the Tigard City Council on July 12 pushed back a hearing on a similar but separate application Fields filed in 2009. ...

Communities Await Army's Closure Plans For Umatilla Chemical Depot<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://kuow.org/northwestnews.php%3FstoryID%3D138563189&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATALOAtAk8ei8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=SYBI7lhjN1c&usg=AFQjCNErfDje9wI1q92txqZuveJXGgH94A> (KUOW NPR)
Under a community-based plan 20 years in the making part of the depot would be used by the Oregon National Guard for training. Another portion of the land would go to the ports of Umatilla and Morrow counties for economic development. ...

Separate coast land swaps get tangled in controversy<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.registerguard.com/web/newslocalnews/26583238-41/county-state-bandon-golf-curry.html.csp&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAPOA9Ak8ei8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=SYBI7lhjN1c&usg=AFQjCNH9hzUha-w2X47YItKT_74_zvO7-Q> (The Register-Guard)
Both land swaps are in the discussion stage at this point, with no specific proposal for the state to consider. But the very idea of trading away state land on the Oregon Coast is a powder keg in a state with an all public coastline and a jealously ...

Line is drawn in fight over metro-area growth<http://djcoregon.com/news/2011/07/21/line-is-drawn-in-fight-over-metro-area-growth/> (Daily Journal of Commerce)
Growth in the Portland-metro area often is a heated topic. As the deadline approaches for the Metro Council to determine whether to expand the urban growth boundary, opposing sides may be as far apart as ever. The council is considering seven possible expansion areas - a total of 3,457 acres - to meet needs housing and ...

July 20:
Some dunes ATV trails threatened<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.theumpquapost.com/articles/2011/07/20/local_news/doc4e25de75a3217440631661.txt&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATABOAFAkaSd8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=3wg1rj_1jJE&usg=AFQjCNEMGqFcIJLfEBTGrAVpz77RoEY9cw> (Umpqua Post)
Groups have formed and petitions are being signed in an effort to stop the Forest Service from once again reducing the amount of land in the Oregon Dunes NRA that is available for ATV use. "Between 1972 and 2011, the acreage available for ATV riders ...

Metro seeks opinions on growth boundary decisions<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.forestgrovenewstimes.com/news/story.php%3Fstory_id%3D131112749789063600&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAEOARAkaSd8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=3wg1rj_1jJE&usg=AFQjCNESpF_iZ-isjzi9qq1YkRR4oL1Ojw> (News-Times)
So far the surveys have asked participants about planning for the Oregon Zoo, the management of natural areas, opinions on land use and climate change, and the qualities that should be sought for Metro's next chief operating officer. ...

So that's what was at stake<http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.dailyastorian.com/opinion/editorials/so-that-s-what-was-at-stake/article_180ac4ba-b229-11e0-a7a8-001cc4c03286.html&ct=ga&cad=CAEQAhgBIAAoATAFOAVAkaSd8QRIAVAAWABiBWVuLVVT&cd=3wg1rj_1jJE&usg=AFQjCNGtywpsSY-8ug98z3Kc8OdKnJ-ssg> (Daily Astorian)
... which was vital to Oregon's economy and would be a boon to the county in which the gas landed. Clatsop County became ground zero for this discussion and because our county's political culture seemed ripe for the kind of land-use decision that is ...

Lisa Howard | Assistant to the Director
Director's Office
Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development
635 Capitol Street NE, Suite 150 | Salem, OR  97301-2540
Office: (503) 373-0050 ext. 271 | Cell: (503) 383-8911 | Fax: (503) 378-5518
lisa.howard at state.or.us<mailto:lisa.howard at state.or.us> | www.oregon.gov/LCD<http://www.oregon.gov/LCD>

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