[Libs-Or] Free Spanish children's books for libraries serving fewer than 20, 000 people

Leah Griffith leah.griffith at ci.newberg.or.us
Thu Jan 29 09:45:14 PST 2009

Hi everyone,

OLA's AMO LEER task force is giving away children's collections of Spanish/bilingual books to libraries serving 20,000 or fewer users.   The deadline is Friday, January 30th, yes I know that is tomorrow, but the application is easy.   This is just your last ditch reminder.

The grant would provide libraries with $9,000 in books as well as $1,000 for processing and promotional activities.

You might want to check this out.

Here's the link for the application and info.


Leah M. Griffith
Director,   Newberg Public Library
503 E. Hancock      Newberg,  OR  97132
P  503.537.1256         F 503.538.9720

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