[Libs-Or] Fwd: [District Dispatch] Transparency and Open Government: Opportunity to participate in the process

Diedre Conkling diedre08 at gmail.com
Fri May 22 11:16:58 PDT 2009

 Transparency and Open Government: Opportunity to participate in the process
<http://www.wo.ala.org/districtdispatch/?p=2959> May 22nd, 2009

120 days have passed since President Obama’s first day in office and his
signing of the memo, Transparency and Open

Yesterday, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) began a
process to allow the public to participate in the creation of the
recommendations that the Chief Technology Officer, Office of Management and
Budget, and the General Services Administration will make that will inform
an open government directive.

As a long-time proponent of open government, the ALA was thrilled to hear of
the OSTP’s opening this process to the general public. Librarians believe in
wide access to government information, and this is one more avenue to ensure
the federal government remains transparent.

To make certain that as many people as possible are able to participate in
this process, the OSTP have created a Web
site<http://www.whitehouse.gov/open/>explaining the process where
comments can be submitted.  For those who
prefer a different method of submitting their comments, there are two other
options: 1. e-mail: opengov at ostp.gov and 2. Mail: Office of Science and
Technology Policy, Attn: Open Government Recommendations, 725 17th Street,
Washington, DC 20502. All comments must be received by June 19, 2009.

This process is comprised of three phases. The first of which, “Brainstorm,”
has already been explained above.  The second phase, “Discuss,” begins June
3.  This phase is a time to “dig deeper on the ideas and challenges
identified during the ‘Brainstorm’ phase.” The third phase, “Draft,” begins
June 15.  Draft is the phase that allows time to “collaborate on crafting
constructive proposals to address challenges from the ‘Discussion’ phase.”

A notice<http://www.wo.ala.org/districtdispatch/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/fed-register-5-211.pdf>in
the May 21, 2009, Federal Register provides additional information.

Diedre Conkling
Lincoln County Library District
P.O. Box 2027
Newport, OR  97365
Work phone & fax:  541-265-3066
Work email:  diedre at beachbooks.org
Home email:  diedre08 at gmail.com
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