[Libs-Or] Speaker needed - Exchanging heath library jobs

Connie Anderson-Cohoon anderson at sou.edu
Wed Jun 9 10:19:32 PDT 2010

Hi Colleagues,

I belong to an international exchange association called LIBEX.  I recently received the following message from them.  If you are interested or know of someone who might fit the bill, please let me know (anderson at sou.edu).  Sounds like a wonderful way to travel abroad!

Happy Summer!


Dear Connie ANDERSON, 

Have you arranged, or are you arranging, an international job exchange with a health library?

I have received an enquiry from someone who is organising an event in the UK, and wishes to find a speaker who has exchanged health library jobs with someone from another country.

Please let me know if this applies to you.

Also, good luck with finding a suitable job exchange - please keep us informed of developments.



Connie Anderson
Reference Services Coordinator
Hannon Library
Southern Oregon University
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR  97520
541-552-6820 (work)
541-488-0799 (home)

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