[Libs-Or] FW: Oregon Battle of the Books Open Positions

Banasek, Megan megan.banasek at pacificu.edu
Thu May 3 11:06:44 PDT 2012

Please consider volunteering for the Oregon Battle of the Books committee.

Megan Banasek, MLS | Systems and Applications Librarian | Pacific University Library
Pacific University | 2043 College Way | Forest Grove, OR 97116
p: 503.352.1407 | f: 503.352.1416 | megan.banasek at pacificu.edu<mailto:erica.findley at pacificu.edu>

From: OBOB LSTA [mailto:oboblsta at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 6:08 PM
To: Banasek, Megan
Subject: Oregon Battle of the Books Open Positions

For the 2012-13 school year, the Oregon Battle of the Books Committee seeks qualified and willing volunteers for the positions of chair-elect (three-year commitment), co-chair 1 (two-year commitment), and co-chair 2 (one-year commitment). Please see attached for a detailed description of responsibilities of each position. After six years of tremendous growth and success, Oregon Battle of the Books is in a time of transition, and the ongoing viability of the program is dependent on the willingness of individuals in the school-library and greater library communities to step forward and assume leadership/coordination roles. Interested individuals must fall into one of the following categories: professional librarian, teacher-librarian, library media specialist, library media assistant, certified teacher, retired librarian, retired library media assistant, retired teacher. If you are interested or have questions about OBOB or these positions, please contact outgoing OBOB chair Debbie Alvarez at oboblsta at gmail.com<mailto:oboblsta at gmail.com>.
Details on chairperson position:

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