[Libs-Or] FW: Oregon Early Learning Update

MaryKay Dahlgreen marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us
Sun Jul 14 12:54:11 PDT 2013

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This is an excellent source of information about the newly
created Early Learning Division and early learning
activities in Oregon, including creation of Early Learning Hubs.

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Oregon Early Learning Update


Dear Supporter of Oregon Children,

My past year's motto has focused on one principle - change. Changes in how families
and children receive services across the state. Changes in ensuring quality and 
improvements. And change towards better results and outcomes. Work continues in 
health, education, and social services, and with the end of the 2013 legislative
 session we have the direction to make things happen.

The 2013 legislative session [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.7bfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.leg.state.or.us%2F%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
adjourned July 8, making history for the state's youngest and providing a win for
early learning programs in Oregon. Groundbreaking early childhood legislation passed
with HB 2013 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.6bfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgov.oregonlive.com%2Fbill%2F2013%2FHB2013%2F%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
receiving a final senate vote on July 6 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.5bfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2Fgov%2Fmedia_room%2FPages%2Fpress_releases%2Fpress_070613.aspx%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]th
This bill is our transformative blueprint, providing visionary direction for Early
Learning Hubs across the state and bringing communities together to get children
 to school ready to succeed. It provides the stage for the Early Learning Council
and staff to continue connecting early learning efforts with health care, child 
care, human services, and kindergarten readiness - and the ability to award innovation
funds for pioneering approaches to kindergarten readiness. The Early Learning Council
and staff are ready to make the Governor's [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.acfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2Fgov%2Fpages%2Findex.aspx%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
vision a reality and thank our legislators for making the earliest years a priority.
Please stay tuned for more details shortly.

The bill that organizes this transformation, HB 3234 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.bcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgov.oregonlive.com%2Fbill%2F2013%2FHB3234%2F%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail],
creates the Early Learning Division within the Oregon Department of Education and
passed the Senate July 1 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.ccfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2Fgov%2Fmedia_room%2FPages%2Fpress_releases%2Fpress_070113b.aspx%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail].
This legislation further underscores the importance of a birth through college education
system, where early learning efforts chart the course for a positive academic journey.
It strengthens the connection between the earliest years and K-12 education through
a unified division comprised of programs that support home-based services, family
stability, quality-learning environments, and quality child care; all ensuring we
meet the Governor's 40-40-20 goal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.dcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ous.edu%2Fpartner%2F404020%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
as a P-20 (prenatal through college) organization.

Now, as we plan to release the Early Learning Hub RFA and looking to a busy summer,
I continue to talk and visit with people across the state and want to thank everyone
for their teamwork, new ideas, and shared efforts. Everywhere I've been, I've experienced
true team efforts working together, making necessary changes, and overcoming issues.
I am honestly impressed. This team approach is not only critical for the changes
 we need to make, but a testament to Oregon's commitment to the future parents, 
families, and community leaders of our state.

This level of change includes and requires many hands. It also requires programs
 to work together toward a common and shared result. This collective effort [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.ecfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ssireview.org%2Farticles%2Fentry%2Fcollective_impact%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
in turn reduces duplication, allows communities to be proactive, and focus on outcomes
to serve more families as more needs arise.

Before signing off, I urge you to take advantage of and promote summer activities
for children in your area. Learning opportunities are everywhere this time of year
-- readings at your local library [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.fcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Flibdir.osl.state.or.us%2F%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
or the local museum [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.gcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregonmuseums.org%2FDefault.aspx%3FpageId%3D1601340%26utm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail],
or volunteer  [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.hcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pdx.edu%2Foccd%2Fevery-child-ready-to-read-training-of-trainers%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]to
learn more about early literacy. Also, please spread the word about the Oregon Department
of Education [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.icfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ode.state.or.us%2Fhome%2F%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
and the Oregon State Library's [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.jcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2FOSL%2FPages%2Findex.aspx%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
partnership connecting early literacy and nutrition for families through the Summer
Meals program [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.kcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.summerfoodoregon.org%2Fmap%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
this summer, and the partnership between the Oregon College Savings plan and Oregon
public libraries to provide more money to families for summer reading [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.lcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregoncollegesavings.com%2Fdocuments%2Fpr_060613.pdf%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail].
Please click the links for details.


Early Learning Council Meeting Recap

The Early Learning Council met June 12th in Salem. For your convenience, you can
 access the meeting agenda and materials here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.wbfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2Fgov%2Fdocs%2FOEIB%2FELCJunematsUPDATED.pdf%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail].

The July ELC meeting will be held electronically at 12pm on July 18th and will be
streamed for public access. Please check http://oregonearlylearning.com/early-learning-council/public-meetings/
for further meeting updates, agendas, and materials.

Upcoming Meetings

August's ELC meeting will convene August 13th from 12-3pm at the Broadway Commons,
Peru Room 3rd Floor, 1300 Broadway St. NE, Salem. This meeting will be followed 
by a joint Early Learning Council/Oregon Education Investment Board from 3-5pm at
the same location. Please stay tuned [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.mcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Foregonearlylearning.com%2Fearly-learning-council%2Fpublic-meetings%2F%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
for more details.

Early Learning Council & Oregon Health Policy Board Joint Subcommittee Update

The Joint Subcommittee [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.ncfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2Foha%2FPages%2Felc-ohpb.aspx%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
continues to meet bimonthly during 2013, connecting and aligning health and early
learning transformation. The Joint Subcommittee met June 4th, focusing on metrics,
outcomes, and screening. A draft proposal will tentatively be presented to the Early
Learning Council and Oregon Health Policy Board in September, with a final approval
expected in November.

Oregon Education Investment Board & ELC Update

The Oregon Education Investment Board Equity and Partnership Subcommittee met on
 June 11th with ELC members Janet Dougherty-Smith and Harriet Adair as the newest
members. The agenda included an equity conversation with Oregon University System
Chancellor Melody Rose, a draft issues brief on English Language Learners, and a
 discussion on the Oregon Equity Lens [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.ocfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ode.state.or.us%2Fsuperintendent%2Fpriorities%2Ffinal-equity-lens-draft-adopted.pdf%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail].

Oregon Early Literacy & Head Start Update

Over the next year, the ELC and OEIB will improve kindergarten readiness and 3rd
 grade reading proficiency through providing grant funds to literacy programs around
the state that start early and involve parents, child care providers, and the community.
Latest update: a team of Oregon state leaders will participate in the Planned Language
Approach event through the Head Start Region X Office and the National Center on
 Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness. This event is an opportunity to ensure 
the strengths of Head Start programs are shared broadly through the state and integrated
in early literacy efforts.

Healthy Families Oregon Update

What was "Healthy Start~Healthy Families Oregon" is now Healthy Families Oregon 
(HFO) through HB 2013 passing. This name change aligns Oregon's home visiting system
with the national program. HB 2013 also recalibrated the target population to include
all births (not just first born), allowing services to reach a more diverse population.

In other news, HFO is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, as well as its
 reaccreditation by Healthy Families America National Office. Oregon is the sixth
state to reach this level of recognition of quality nationwide. HFO staff have also
been selected to sit on the National Advisory Committee for Healthy Families American
National Office, a group that informs nationwide direction.

Hub update: empowering communities around outcomes for children

The Early Learning Council Hub workgroup, led by ELC Chair Pam Curtis, is working
to launch the Early Learning Hub Request for Application (RFA) in August. Staff 
have identified key areas of work and mapped out a timeline to prepare for the RFA
launch and Hub implementation. Currently, the ELC is setting up a technical assistance
plan for communities on core RFA content in July and August, with a technical assistance
conference to follow the week of August 12th (save the date); a series of four bidders
meetings around the state the first week of September (save the date); certify up
to seven Early Learning Hubs by November; and focus on implementation and support
for newly certified Early Learning Hubs in late fall 2014 continuing through the
 biennium. A second round of up to nine more Early Learning Hub applications will
begin in spring 2014. Continue to follow our website at www.oregonearlylearning.com
for specific Hub-related updates, and sign up for the Early Learning Hub e-mail 
list [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.fqzxqtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fmyemail.constantcontact.com%2FJoin-the-conversation-and-tell-us-what-you-think--join-the-Hub-mailing-list-.html%3Fsoid%3D1112004712927%26aid%3DwBlH4J9LAjw]
to stay current on timelines and next steps!


Earlier this month, someone asked me what my favorite childhood book was. It took
me a second, and then I remembered all of the Dr. Seuss books I've read to kids 
over the years. For the rest of July, I recommend grabbing all of the Dr. Seuss 
books [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.qcfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seussville.com%2F%23%2Fbooks%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
on your shelf and reading to your child outside on a nice day. They're always such
a fun read -- with plenty of opportunities for imaginative learning, role playing,
and passing on these stories to the next generation.

What's your favorite #DrSeuss book? Let me know if you have any questions, or hop
online and start a conversation on Twitter @OREarlyLearning  [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.ihnck4lab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FOREarlyLearning]and
Facebook at facebook.com/EarlyLearningCouncil [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.hhnck4lab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FEarlyLearningCouncil]


June/July 2013


New Staff Welcome
We welcome Megan Irwin to the Oregon early learning team as the new Early Learning
 System Design Manager, overseeing and supporting the early learning Hub process.
Megan comes to us from Stand for Children [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.qbfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fstand.org%2F%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
where she spent five years first as a community organizer and then working her way
up to Senior Director for Program and Expansion on the national team. During her
 time at Stand, she led the organization's growth efforts, expanding its reach from
four to 11 states. Prior to her work in education, Megan was a newspaper reporter
in Phoenix, AZ. She has a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication and in Political
Science from Arizona State University. We are excited to have her!

National News

President Obama has released his Preschool for All proposal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.rbfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.whitehouse.gov%2Fthe-press-office%2F2013%2F02%2F13%2Ffact-sheet-president-obama-s-plan-early-education-all-americans%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail],
with a key piece specifically aiming to partner with Oregon [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.sbfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.ed.gov%2Fabout%2Finits%2Fed%2Fearlylearning%2Fincreasing-access%2For.pdf%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
to provide high-quality preschool for low and middle-income students, make investments
in high-quality infant and toddler care, and expand support for Oregon parents and
families (read about Governor Kitzhaber's support in his  Statesman Journal op-ed
watch the President's video explaining the plan [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.jpzxqtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQNZJ0BaNaoI%26feature%3Dyoutu.be]).
Hillary Clinton is also contributing to the early education charge through the Too
Small to Fail [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.ubfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Ftoosmall.org%2F%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
initiative, which strives to "help parents, businesses, and communities identify
 specific actions that they can take to improve the lives of young children" through
improving health and well-being from birth through five.

Race to the Top Grant Update: a vehicle to accomplish our work

Recall that Oregon was awarded the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant
last December? Oregon has proven through its current work that a supplemental award
may be in its future. Oregon may request up to an additional $10,254,451, and the
Oregon team will submit to receive the supplemental award under Early Learning Council

Improving child care in Oregon: update

The Child Care and Early Education workgroup has submitted two draft reports on 
1)defining affordable quality child care [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.wbfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2Fgov%2Fdocs%2FOEIB%2FELCJunematsUPDATED.pdf%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
and 2) developing a vision for an integrated early learning system for children,
 families, and providers. The affordable quality child care and integrated early
 learning development system draft reports were presented at the Early Learning 
Council meeting on June 12th.

The workgroup will seek direction from the Council for further work in the fall.
 The Office of Child Care is also currently implementing a large field test in four
regions across Oregon to test the Quality Rating & Improvement System [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.xbfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wou.edu%2Ftri%2FQRIS%2Fresources.html%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
(QRIS): Crook/Deschutes/Jefferson Counties, Lane.Douglas Counties, Linn/Benton Counties,
and Multnomah County to reach 250 participating QRIS programs by July 2014. The 
Office of Child Care is also beginning work to build a supply of quality child care
in targeted communities. To date, there are almost 185 programs that have achieved
an initial QRIS designation comprised of over 1,500 early childhood educators impacting
over 6,400 children.

For child care and preschool programs not in one of the field test counties, you
 can still contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral agency to find out
how you can prepare for the 2014 statewide roll out.  Call 1-800-342-6712 to get

The 2014-15 CCDF State Plan and responses to public comments are now posted [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.ybfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2FEMPLOY%2FCCD%2FPages%2Fstate_plan.aspx%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail].
The plan was submitted in late June to the Administration for Children and Families,
Office of Child Care for federal review and approval.

Oregon will also be highlighted at two national events this summer, receiving recognition
for the innovative professional development, QRIS cost modeling, and subsidy work
accomplished to date - designed to create advantages for families, children, and

Oregon Kindergarten Assessment: taking a look back to look forward

The Kindergarten Assessment [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.zbfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Foregonearlylearning.com%2Fkindergarten-assessment%2F%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail]
will launch statewide end of August 2013. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE)
has posted the draft 2013-14 Accommodations Manual [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.9bfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ode.state.or.us%2Fwma%2Fteachlearn%2Ftesting%2Fadmin%2F2013-14-tam.pdf%3Futm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail],
which outlines accommodations available for all students during each of Oregon's
 statewide assessments, including the Kindergarten Assessment. ELL Spanish-speaking
students will receive an early Spanish literacy assessment in addition to the early
English literacy assessment. ODE provided the first round of Kindergarten Assessment
Train-the-Teacher sessions in May 2013 in districts across the state, where district
staff asked in-depth questions and offered feedback. The trainings will continue
 through August 2013 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=anrbotnab.0.8bfsrtnab.4owkkulab.0&ts=S0927&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ode.state.or.us%2Fsearch%2Fpage%2F%3Fid%3D3908%26utm_source%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_campaign%3DJune%252FJuly%2BDirector%2527s%2BMessage%26utm_medium%3Demail].
Grants of $1,500 were also made available to support Kindergarten Assessment planning
efforts in school districts.

The Oregon Department of Education and Early Learning Council are also in the process
of joining an eight state consortium, led by North Carolina, called the Kindergarten
Partnership. The Kindergarten partnership collaboratively extends Kindergarten Assessment
work through 3rd grade, focusing on reading and other skills. One key focus includes
aligning with Common Core standards in schools across the country. The consortium
will collaborate on developing assessments that provide a more complete picture 
of the whole child to guide teaching and learning to 3rd grade and beyond.

Jada Rupley
Early Learning System Director

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