[Libs-Or] Grant opportunity

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Tue Nov 12 08:33:03 PST 2013

Forwarded by Katie Anderson

For Immediate Release
Mon, 11/04/2013

Norman Rose
Program Officer
Office for Research and Statistics (ORS)
nrose at ala.org<mailto:nrose at ala.org>
American Library Association

CHICAGO - The American Library Association's Office for Research and Statistics is now accepting applications for the Loleta D. Fyan Grant. Loleta D. Fyan, ALA President 1951-1952, believed that every individual, regardless of residence, is equally entitled to high quality library service and that librarians must be adept in using the political process to acquire this "right of citizenship".

The grant, up to $5,000, is to be used for the development and improvement of public libraries and the services they provide. The project(s) criteria:

  *   must result in the development and improvement of public libraries and the services they provide;
  *   must have the potential for broader impact and application beyond meeting a specific local need;
  *   should be designed to effect changes in public library services that are innovative and responsive to the future; and
  *   should be capable of completion within one year.

Applicants can include but are not limited to: local, regional or state libraries, associations or organizations, including units of the ALA; library schools; or individuals. Deadline for submissions is Dec. 20, 2013.

For more information about the grant, how to submit proposals and requirements of the recipient(s), please visit http://www.ala.org/offices/ors/orsawards/fyanloletad/fyanloletad


Loleta Fyan, 1951-52 ALA President, bequeathed funds to ALA with the intent that "these funds be used for the development and improvement of public libraries and the services they provide."


Loleta D. Fyan, who was the State Librarian of Michigan for 20 years, believed that every individual, regardless of residence, is equally entitled to high quality library service and that librarians must be adept in using the political process to acquire this "right of citizenship". A pioneer in extending library service to rural areas and small communities and a proponent of library cooperation, Fyan was a driving force behind Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) funding.


Applicants can include but are not limited to: local, regional or state libraries, associations or organizations, including units of the American Library Association; library schools; or individuals.


The project(s):

  1.  must result in the development and improvement of public libraries and the services they provide;
  2.  must have the potential for broader impact and application beyond meeting a specific local need;
  3.  should be designed to effect changes in public library services that are innovative and responsive to the future; and
  4.  should be capable of completion within one year.


Up to $5,000 total for one or more projects. A check for half the total amount of the grant (up to $2,500) will be paid within one month of the ALA Annual Conference. The remaining amount released after winner submits a 6-month report and the report is approved by chair of the Fyan Jury and Staff Liaison to the Jury. If no proposal is deemed worthy, the award may not be given.

How to Apply

Please send via email one completed application cover sheet and proposal with budget to the ALA Staff Liaison listed below. Email subject line should read "2014 Fyan Award Proposal". File formats accepted are MS Word 2003 or newer, and PDF. Please do not fax or mail.


Submission Deadline: December 20, 2013

Staff Liaison

Norman Rose
Program Officer
Office for Research and Statistics
American Library Association
Phone: 312-280-4283
Email: nrose at ala.org<mailto:nrose at ala.org>

If you are interested in applying for this award, please click on the following for more information:

  *   Proposal Requirements and Application Cover Sheet<http://www.ala.org/offices/ors/orsawards/fyanloletad/fyanrequirements>
  *   6-Month Report<http://www.ala.org/offices/ors/orsawards/fyanloletad/fyansixmonthreport>
  *   Final Report<http://www.ala.org/offices/ors/orsawards/fyanloletad/fyanfinalreport>

List of previous Fyan winners<http://www.ala.org/offices/ors/orsawards/fyanloletad/fyanprevwinners>

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