[Libs-Or] REFORMA Oregon pre-conference half day session

Martín Blasco MartinB at wccls.org
Mon Feb 22 09:22:20 PST 2016

Hi Everyone!

During the pre-conference sessions, in the next 2016 OLA Conference in Bend, REFORMA Oregon Round Table is presenting “¡Bienvenidos a la biblioteca!: Outreach and Engagement with Latino and Spanish Speaking Populations in Your Communities.” (https://orlib16.sched.org/)

In this half day session, you will learn about REFORMA Oregon, what it has to offer and how you can become involved; you will also hear stories of how librarians are building relationships with their Latino and Spanish speaking communities, their successes and lessons learned; and you will gain outreach strategies, program ideas, and information about resources specific to the Latino and Spanish speaking populations. We will also include time for you to share your needs to better serve this diverse community, and together, we will develop ideas for an action plan.

This presentation is open to anyone who is interested in improving, or beginning, specific outreach work, services and programs.

The REFORMA Oregon Chapter promotes the advancement, growth, improvement, and implementation of library and information services to the Latino and the Spanish speaking community in the State of Oregon.  As a round table, RORT will provide a space for sharing information, continuing education opportunities, resources, networking, and supporting librarians around the state to better the quality of services and programs for this community.

Remember, early bird registration ends on Monday, March 21!  (https://ola.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_194937)

Hope to see you then,

Martín Blasco
President, REFORMA Oregon Chapter
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