[Libs-Or] Open source, small video game quiz on library databases available at OER Commons

Sergio Lopez sergiolopezpdx at gmail.com
Thu May 10 13:06:34 PDT 2018

I have been working on developing a small video game quiz to reinforce and
assess concepts learned about library databases. I have made it available
at OER commons under a CC-BY license. The videogame itself is licensed
under the MIT license.


Shall you choose to play, the game works as follows:
after the loading page, you will see a screen with instructions and a start
button (Important. Don't press the "submit your scores" upper left button
until the end of the game).

After the start button is pressed, a popup window will ask you for a tag, a
nickname, and a choice of car. The tag is what is assigned to the class or
group playing the game. I am using "tag" for this test. The nickname will
be the name by which the player will like to be known. Real names or other
data is discouraged and unnecessary. Finally choose your car from the 3
choices available.

The player will go forward with the right arrow key and select correct
choice to questions with their mouse. Medals are issued to correct answers,
the car will be punched if the answer is less than correct, a score is kept
through the game.

At the end of 5 questions, a final medal count and score. Press the "submit
you scores button"

Here you will see the credits. the link at the top left will take you to
the page where you can look at results with the tag you chose ("tag" in
this case). The next page will display the players who used the same tag
(an entire class, for example), as well as their scores and medal case.
Here the instructor looks at the results and revisits with the whole class
concepts as needed.

Please let me know what you think, or if you are a mod and don't think my
post belongs here, let me know as well. I posed it at he /librarian
subreddit with mostly good feedback and the most glaring bugs fixed. I look
forward to feedback and criticism. As you do, please keep in mind I am not
a game designer. I am a librarian with no artistic abilities who decided
for some reason to learn how to use a game engine.

Sergio Lopez.
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