[Libs-Or] Tech-Talk: INTERNET – Indulge Yourself in “The 15 Best Libraries in The World”

HANNING Darci C * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Dec 21 14:03:03 PST 2021

Welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!

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You can view the tech tip<https://www.tech-talk.com/best-libraries.html>, the communication tip<https://www.tech-talk.com/consider-yourself-a-snowflake.html>, and the leadership tip<https://www.tech-talk.com/supporting-uniqueness.html> online instead at:

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Sit back, relax and watch these inspiring images




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TAKE A LOOK at the FUN learning HERE..<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001omGGTFuK9HTxmye1rfYv9-z-TWeolcs9KyH202mEuJ32mI6LMoN9BzEJAl2MN7IHoBhF7hF6Gwp3JUAvHEdX-37A5wVIQRrVh5fbJOIzMVY5aGt_b5JFSa8eKfde-UTXA0bvpnvQQR4uFMTrrEA741Pig4awyByP&c=0Qe6xVrn2ls2_EFoaXpklUPTQHASzJiNs5_Xqh718qgF9FcPRH6hmg==&ch=nPRDkfZCJ03ow4iZn2l-Fmyw91d7n9yB-O7cQ9YEbuPW8gsp4K2fkA==>.

This Week's Topic: INTERNET

Please Click for Tech-Talk 2021-2022 Survey! <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001omGGTFuK9HTxmye1rfYv9-z-TWeolcs9KyH202mEuJ32mI6LMoN9B3z6ruSzAqbxWHoxZBDJTYtdNTw9zHEBLAD2vDhzsKL6V7_A6cS-r-GCHHE8G5pQx_yFJrfeO0kbjYJaarv81t8QqXPK6x-stdvkU9ChJwTf&c=0Qe6xVrn2ls2_EFoaXpklUPTQHASzJiNs5_Xqh718qgF9FcPRH6hmg==&ch=nPRDkfZCJ03ow4iZn2l-Fmyw91d7n9yB-O7cQ9YEbuPW8gsp4K2fkA==>

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... Indulge Yourself in "The 15 Best Libraries in The World"
2. COMMUNICATING ... Could you be a snowflake?
3. LEADERSHIP ... The power of understanding uniqueness
4. WEBINARS ... (Yes, Patrons, Students, Staff join with library's username. No fee.)

·     Jan 5: [Google] Create Google Forms That Feed Spreadsheets ... and Use that Info to Automatically Merge Into Documents such as Certificates or Stat Sheets.
·     Jan 19: [Desktop] Organizing Your Desktop and Email to Start the Year

Register for Webinars<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001omGGTFuK9HTxmye1rfYv9-z-TWeolcs9KyH202mEuJ32mI6LMoN9B-YOd-Xp0NlPosLDV4zFkL1pFzIYsLzTKg0D4yLys2GTwEQgoJEbpM4MOGSPsbcELPIjxucbSzyogBk61EkYvKJv00wetCIH_H0O4o9hti4k&c=0Qe6xVrn2ls2_EFoaXpklUPTQHASzJiNs5_Xqh718qgF9FcPRH6hmg==&ch=nPRDkfZCJ03ow4iZn2l-Fmyw91d7n9yB-O7cQ9YEbuPW8gsp4K2fkA==>


Photo by Valdemaras D.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001omGGTFuK9HTxmye1rfYv9-z-TWeolcs9KyH202mEuJ32mI6LMoN9B3z6ruSzAqbxnaexQSwZxT1EKLmS0IOZtcRuoliQ00s0NFOmhDwkrULRK488yLhEX0-EFDaWBed-pRu1aVqVYoj9Llm3VtCOQnsyqZhQ303WUHG3tCCC4_fssaXbJRmG81GcI3HMFIV3ygcOU7Zkery2f4y5pJsSfMELzAW1mwhzNW-f1WIUqfFq5DyIgvQvcdu-lcJ5ewzL&c=0Qe6xVrn2ls2_EFoaXpklUPTQHASzJiNs5_Xqh718qgF9FcPRH6hmg==&ch=nPRDkfZCJ03ow4iZn2l-Fmyw91d7n9yB-O7cQ9YEbuPW8gsp4K2fkA==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001omGGTFuK9HTxmye1rfYv9-z-TWeolcs9KyH202mEuJ32mI6LMoN9B3z6ruSzAqbxI91077seQ4_G7JSQQjKJtERXTQQSZWY2ztHWlpGEIxxUFarMvCK_encGdCs-yu2rR8MF4eqp0J_oN0Av3qoHounarSQOk9gdv3NoaqllnUpNAaVBYfV8mevmwAXGT7v9CKhsWS6DSkAKr5ziFAeoEk3EFuQ-Mu9BBN_ma8I_z3aMBqPfykJ3t6aExsAPZ1jiGb71Zgw8shDI9q8cJ66YNQ==&c=0Qe6xVrn2ls2_EFoaXpklUPTQHASzJiNs5_Xqh718qgF9FcPRH6hmg==&ch=nPRDkfZCJ03ow4iZn2l-Fmyw91d7n9yB-O7cQ9YEbuPW8gsp4K2fkA==>


Indulge Yourself in "The 15 Best Libraries in The World"

Since many of our subscribers are in the library and education world, we thought viewers would like to spend about six minutes to immerse themselves in some of the most beautiful library structures in the world.

This video takes you through 15 of a YouTube author's favorites. Of course, you may have other libraries you'd like to add to the list, but the ones she has selected are stunning.

Watch the Video Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001omGGTFuK9HTxmye1rfYv9-z-TWeolcs9KyH202mEuJ32mI6LMoN9B3z6ruSzAqbxAcdi8bLaRreX4cz2vN6QYx-jdqUIL2BjHO9ler5vxdOtfYwLGSGuHZSX0Rfnp-TDO6yvgnsAY5CYheZdFPWp1LnwySGsEmfNQlHywH6rMiUfb4r1nVSZNA==&c=0Qe6xVrn2ls2_EFoaXpklUPTQHASzJiNs5_Xqh718qgF9FcPRH6hmg==&ch=nPRDkfZCJ03ow4iZn2l-Fmyw91d7n9yB-O7cQ9YEbuPW8gsp4K2fkA==>

From the Insider YouTube channel, the video begins with the Tianjin Binhai Library in China (below, left) and the Admont Abbey in Austria - the world's largest and oldest Monastery library (below, right).



The United States is represented with the George Peabody Library in Baltimore, Maryland.

This stunning structure is sometimes referred to as the "cathedral of books" because of the building’s neoclassical design (image on the right).


And of course, the Library of Congress in Washington, DC (pictured on the left) -- which is the largest library on the planet with currently over 170 Million items…

Sit back and take a peek for yourself at these 15 magnificent structures, view the video here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001omGGTFuK9HTxmye1rfYv9-z-TWeolcs9KyH202mEuJ32mI6LMoN9B3z6ruSzAqbxAcdi8bLaRreX4cz2vN6QYx-jdqUIL2BjHO9ler5vxdOtfYwLGSGuHZSX0Rfnp-TDO6yvgnsAY5CYheZdFPWp1LnwySGsEmfNQlHywH6rMiUfb4r1nVSZNA==&c=0Qe6xVrn2ls2_EFoaXpklUPTQHASzJiNs5_Xqh718qgF9FcPRH6hmg==&ch=nPRDkfZCJ03ow4iZn2l-Fmyw91d7n9yB-O7cQ9YEbuPW8gsp4K2fkA==>.

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...so please complete this biannual survey to make sure we know how to shape Tech-Talk for you.

We Thank You!

Complete the 2021-2022 Survery!<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001omGGTFuK9HTxmye1rfYv9-z-TWeolcs9KyH202mEuJ32mI6LMoN9B3z6ruSzAqbxWHoxZBDJTYtdNTw9zHEBLAD2vDhzsKL6V7_A6cS-r-GCHHE8G5pQx_yFJrfeO0kbjYJaarv81t8QqXPK6x-stdvkU9ChJwTf&c=0Qe6xVrn2ls2_EFoaXpklUPTQHASzJiNs5_Xqh718qgF9FcPRH6hmg==&ch=nPRDkfZCJ03ow4iZn2l-Fmyw91d7n9yB-O7cQ9YEbuPW8gsp4K2fkA==>


Communication: Self
Consider yourself a snowflake

Even if you've never lived in snow country, you've probably learned in school that there are no two snowflakes alike, right?

Think about it. Every single one is different. There are no duplicates. Each frozen pattern is unique.

So you can't judge one over the other. On what basis? No two are alike. There can be no comparisons. There are no inferior or superior snowflakes because there are no norms, no standards about which to judge.

Let's take this idea a step further.

We know from a variety of sources (and our own eyes) that every individual human being is unique too. There are no two of you, no two of me, no two of anyone. Even if you have an identical twin, you are still one of a kind. On top of that, nobody has the same collection of experiences as another.

That makes us all snowflakes! Each of us is as unique and individual as the tiny conglomerates of ice.

Therefore, as with anything that is unique, judgments and critiques are valueless.

Hmmm... what could this mean to our self-communication ... you know, all those conversations we tell ourselves - about us and others?

Example: I'm driving along the highway and someone cuts in front of me in a reckless fashion. I think, "jerk," "stupid," "rude."

But wait a minute, if I realize that I'm a snowflake and the other person is a snowflake, it becomes a different situation. It means we each have entirely unique lives, unique experiences, unique needs... so how can I possibly judge him. There's no basis for it.

So I let it go. I'm not tensing up with agitation or anger. I don't have to try to understand and excuse the behavior. I just say to myself, "I'm a snowflake. He's a snowflake." And I know, since I am not the same as he is, I can't possibly know his motivation for driving in any manner. I am at peace.

Another example ... self-criticism. I hear myself say, "I'm being lazy." Wait a minute! "I'm a snowflake," I might need this time to recharge. I may need it to be creative. Who is to say? I'm a snowflake. I'm unique! So on what basis am I judging myself? And the tension goes away.

Would considering yourself a snowflake be useful?


Supporting uniqueness

Whether you're a leader of others or yourself, understanding and supporting everyone's uniqueness is a powerful tool.

Here are two quotes to keep in mind.

“Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.”
- Margaret Mead, a pioneer in social anthropology


“Only recently have I realized that being different is not something you want to hide or squelch or suppress.”
- Amy Gerstler, an award-winning American poet

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Copyright 1996-2021 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!

Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
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