[Libs-Or] Seeking nominations for OLA Executive Board

OLA Past President olapastpresident at olaweb.org
Mon Feb 8 13:18:29 PST 2021

The Oregon Library Association is seeking candidates to run for the
Executive Board, with terms beginning September 2021. The Board provides
leadership for OLA, and helps to ensure great things continue to happen for
Oregon libraries and library workers.

OLA Board positions are open to all OLA members, regardless of position or
employment.  There are six board meetings a year, plus an annual summer
planning retreat.  Meetings have been remote throughout the pandemic, and
virtual participation will continue to be an option going forward.

The following positions are open this year:

Vice-President/President-Elect (3 years)

   - Provides leadership for OLA.
   - Chairs the Executive Board.
   - Serves as VP/President-Elect for first year, President for second, and
   Past President for third.

Secretary (1 year)

   - Keeps records of Executive Board meetings and retreats.
   - Keeps records of OLA membership meetings.

Treasurer (2 years)

   - Oversees finances of OLA, with assistance from the OLA Association
   - Presents regular financial reports to the Executive Board.
   - Chairs the Finance/Investment Committee.

Do these opportunities pique your interest, or do you know of someone who
would be a strong candidate?  Please email me to learn more, nominate
someone, or throw your hat into the ring.  Elections will be held following
the OLA Annual Conference in April.

Thank you,
Elaine Hirsch
Immediate Past President, 2020-21
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