[Libs-Or] Freelance Writer seeks interviews RE: Libraries and Health

Penelope Hummel penny at pennyhummel.com
Fri Jun 11 10:45:36 PDT 2021

Forwarding this request to Oregon library folk as well.  This is an opportunity to help tell the story of how libraries supported their communities during the pandemic, so if you have info to share, I hope you’ll consider contacting Ms. Abram.  


Penny Hummel 


penny at pennyhummel.com | 503.890.0494 | www.pennyhummel.com 


Ensuring that libraries survive and thrive in challenging times



From: Susan Abram <sabram3 at go.pasadena.edu>
Date: Friday, June 11, 2021 at 10:28 AM
To: <calix at listserv.cla-net.org>
Subject: [Calix] Freelance Writer seeks interviews RE: Libraries and Health


Dear Calix-owner,


Thank you for providing this service. I'm a freelance writer for the Center for Health Journalism at USC. We focus on health news. 


I'm writing a story that looks at how libraries play a role in the health of patrons and communities and how the library's role changed as a result of the pandemic. Through a health lens, I imagine many patrons missed the library because it can be a place of safety and refuge.


Here are some questions I'd like to ask:

1) During the pandemic, when libraries officially closed to patrons, what needs surfaced most among patrons who often use the library?

2) Among staff that answered calls and emails during the pandemic, what emotions did patrons express most?

3) Where did patrons who regularly use the library for computers or other needs go during the closures? How did they cope?

4) Which program initiated through the library was the most successful or innovative during the pandemic? What service will you continue as libraries begin to open?

5) If you had a wish list, what do you wish you could have expanded during the pandemic?

6) How did the library's role change as a result of the pandemic?


This is a feature story and hopefully an article that also points out solutions and successes. For this story, I'd like to speak with a few staff members, and patrons who are willing to speak with me about how they coped, and what the library means to them. Telephone or Zoom interviews are fine. In addition, I'll likely ask if you have any photos you'd like to share.


I know this is a lot, but I want to make sure everyone understands the focus of the story. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. I can be reached at the number below.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.




Susan Abram

Freelance Writer-clips: Susan Abram Muck Rack


BySusanAbram at gmail.com


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