[Libs-Or] Call for Proposals: OLA Quarterly

Kelly McElroy kellymce at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 10:10:48 PDT 2021

After a hiatus of more than a year, the Oregon Library Association
Quarterly is seeking submissions for the Winter 2021-22 issue.  The OLAQ is
a professional journal that showcases the writing and work of library
employees in Oregon, and is indexed in LIS databases.

The theme for this issue is privacy and security, and will be guest-edited
by Ellie Avis, Collection Manager at Multnomah County Library and by Kelly
McElroy, Student Engagement and Community Outreach Librarian at Oregon
State University.

The American Library Association has enshrined privacy as a core value, and
library workers seek to protect the right to read and learn freely.
However, in an increasingly connected world, libraries and library users
face new issues of pervasive surveillance and data collection. What is our
responsibility as library professionals to counter these trends? How are we
educating patrons to protect their sensitive data? How are we evaluating
our own practices around data security? What disproportionate impact do new
surveillance technologies, like facial recognition, have on communities of
color, LGBTQIA+ patrons, and other marginalized groups? This issue seeks to
increase awareness of the range of privacy issues applicable to libraries
and bolster our collective understanding of libraries as active partners in
promoting privacy in the library and beyond. This issue could include
perspectives on training staff, evaluating internal data protection
practices, public programs related to privacy and security, protecting user
privacy in licensing agreements with vendors, writing and implementing a
privacy policy in an organization, and/or collaborations within and outside
the library.

Potential authors are invited to submit proposals to Ellie and Kelly at
elliea at multcolib.org  and
kelly.mcelroy at oregonstate.edu by *October 15*. Proposals should include the
author’s name and contact information, proposed topic, and a brief
description (300-500 words). Please also include answers to the following


   How does the proposed topic relate to the theme of privacy?

   What is your connection to this topic?

   How will you address issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and
   anti-racism in your article?

Article length averages 1,000 to 2,500 words, and images and creative work
are welcome.

"Nothing is more impotent than an unread library." John Waters
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