[Libs-Or] OLA OIFC Joint Sound-bite Statement

Intellectual Freedom Committee ifc.chair at olaweb.org
Thu Aug 24 12:23:57 PDT 2023

The Oregon Library Association Board (OLA) collaborated with the Oregon
Intellectual Freedom Committee (OIFC) to jointly adopt a concise
“soundbite” statement in support of libraries and library staff.

Our hope is that you will use this statement as you see fit for your OLA
roundtables, committees, and divisions, as well as for application within
your own library work and institutions. Examples of ways this statement
could be used include:


   For responding to challenges

   For addressing the public when controversy arises

   Adding to websites for divisions, committees, roundtables for a unified

   Adding to library websites as desired

   Adding to social media pages (both OLA and individual libraries)

   Adding to banned books week toolkit for displays, programs, promos


   Adding to individual library collection development policies and
   reconsideration of library materials / services policies

The ultimate intention is to consolidate and unify our message statewide
and give us all a go-to answer when asked for responses about intellectual
freedom-related controversy within libraries. OLA and the Oregon
Intellectual Freedom Committee ask you all to uphold and honor the
intention of unity. If you use the statement, please adopt it without
editing the text of the original document, though using quotes for various
purposes is encouraged.

Questions about this statement or its use can be addressed to the OIFC chair
<ifc.chair at olaweb.org>.

First Amendment Rights Statement:

The Oregon Library Association adheres to the guiding principles of the
American Library Association’s Code of Ethics
<https://www.ala.org/tools/ethics> and Library Bill of Rights
<https://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill>. As such, we fully
support the First Amendment rights of every individual to the intellectual
freedoms to explore ideas, opinions, concepts, topics, and thoughts. Not
every library resource is right for every patron, but the rights of every
patron to make their own personal choices should be honored. We support the
right of parents and guardians to guide their child’s reading and viewing
choices, but that right does not extend to removing choices for others. The
work of libraries and librarians is to serve everyone in their community
and provide resources that are reflective of the world around us.

Chair - ifc.chair at olaweb.org
Intellectual Freedom Committee https://www.olaweb.org/if-home
Oregon Library Association https://www.olaweb.org/
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