[Libs-Or] AI Article: Why you shouldn’t trust AI search engines

Younglove, April ayounglove at ci.oswego.or.us
Thu Feb 16 15:29:16 PST 2023

Amazing reading. I've been playing with the ChatGPT and it's exciting but also very scary. It generates realistic citations and insists that they are real and that you are wrong if you say they don't exist when pressed. I have a professor friend that teaches French and said that she got some extremely good  (and plagiarized) papers from beginner students this week and that the French is far superior to anything Google Translate can do.

April Younglove, MLIS (she/they)
Adult Services Librarian | Library
City of Lake Oswego<http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/>
PO BOX 369 | 380 A Avenue | Lake Oswego OR 97034

Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
From: Libs-Or <libs-or-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> on behalf of MAURER Jennifer L * SLO via Libs-Or <libs-or at omls.oregon.gov>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 2:40:42 PM
To: libs-or at omls.oregon.gov
Subject: Re: [Libs-Or] AI Article: Why you shouldn’t trust AI search engines

Hi Matthew,

You asked what the new AI developments could mean for students. The K-12 education and school library worlds have been buzzing about this ever since ChatGPT was announced. Staff from Tigard-Tualatin School District collected thoughts and articles in a Google document called Educational Impacts & Benefits of AI<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BADqLo3_FXtL5DnErbQ0-9C_uY8kIfeRrEN7DrnDD2g/edit?usp=sharing>, which they made public to anyone with the link. Those interested in the topic may find it helpful.


Jen Maurer, MLS (she/her)
School Library Consultant, State Library of Oregon
jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-375-3540 | https://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.oregon.gov%2flibrary%2flibraries&c=E,1,SDXmoQcmW4HqbJBz2zpb5xV5_PoaBTGQaF1M4ntEKzBy77MDvqZWzhy7ENgyCDFgIYIYVwXoyeTXUrr5IOnpTbhwWIhr27gFk2lUm4Dp0-WJV4PoAun3nw,,&typo=1>
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From: Libs-Or <libs-or-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> On Behalf Of Matthew Baiocchi via Libs-Or
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 10:31 AM
To: libs-or at omls.oregon.gov
Subject: [Libs-Or] AI Article: Why you shouldn’t trust AI search engines

AI seems to be everywhere all of the sudden...students writing papers, medical professionals diagnosing patients, job applicants writing cover letters, and people using it for authoritative searching.

This took me all by surprise, so I was recommended a great article by Melissa Heikkilä as a bit of a primer: https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/02/14/1068498/why-you-shouldnt-trust-ai-search-engines/<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.technologyreview.com%2f2023%2f02%2f14%2f1068498%2fwhy-you-shouldnt-trust-ai-search-engines%2f&c=E,1,jM7ieHqPwur_MPieBYqXnGg2DpmBCatu1M-uaSKnLcKe8BVg97OaiQA8X-TMfQnCREljpFNUm0sIPCjSpoCnJW89Gp4cvvKBlLFuXXjhT8vVEK0YnKfK&typo=1>

The bad news? "AI language models are notorious bullshitters, often presenting falsehoods as facts. They are excellent at predicting the next word in a sentence, but they have no knowledge of what the sentence actually means. That makes it incredibly dangerous to combine them with search, where it’s crucial to get the facts straight."

Anyone out there familiar with AI and what it might mean for patrons, students, and library staff?

Happy Wednesday, all!

Matthew Baiocchi

City of Lincoln City  |  Driftwood Public Library
801 SW Hwy 101  |  PO Box 50  |  Lincoln City, OR
P: 541.996.1261  |  E: mbaiocchi at lincolncity.org<mailto:mbaiocchi at lincolncity.org>
W: Driftwoodlib.org<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fDriftwoodlib.org&c=E,1,F5_gUscZUR_WYhfCtgoYUJJiO9OPUH_F-UDgTlI0U7ibWhOGxwsIbaINopT0LAQixqwOJEZY3EiDUrCfsrJ_wAIxSYWnUIr9R8rM5_iP&typo=1&ancr_add=1> | W: LincolnCity.org<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fLincolnCity.org&c=E,1,gTvGtXjvn60TywIXhVmptAJrsE9PnaJ_5WfIkb_mmGfehutlIIrcEkeAx6UXb0R3sF68Kyif6ZTaZBy560tyrWhli_Y0f3gIkAtFyWJObg3c8br7bgQ,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>


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