[Libs-Or] State Library of Oregon is issuing grants totaling over $820, 000 from the federally funded Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Program

MCCORD Monica * SLO Monica.McCord at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Jul 17 12:09:54 PDT 2024

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250 Winter St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Fax 503-585-8059
Contact:   Buzzy Nielsen
Program Manager for Library Support & Development
buzzy.nielsen at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:buzzy.nielsen at slo.oregon.gov>, 971-375-3486

July 17, 2024

Salem, Ore - Libraries and institutions across Oregon help their local communities thrive. To support these efforts, the State Library of Oregon is issuing grants totaling over $820,000 from the federally funded Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Program<https://www.oregon.gov/Library/libraries/Pages/LSTA.aspx>, administered on the national level by the Institute of Museum and Library Services' Grants to States Program.

  *   17 organizations are receiving funds through the competitive grants program<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/lstagrants/competitive>. Projects range from makerspaces to huge library software migrations to digital heritage projects to academic tutoring for underserved communities.
  *   19 libraries are hiring teen interns<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/lstagrants/teeninterns>, who will develop and lead a connected learning project <https://clalliance.org/about-connected-learning/> that matches their interests and abilities.
  *   9 libraries will enhance connectivity and implement digital inclusion programs and services in their  community.
  *   6 statewide programs continue to have LSTA support: Libros for Oregon<https://www.librosfororegon.org/>, Oregon Battle of the Books<https://www.oregonbattleofthebooks.org/> (OBOB), Oregon Digital Library Consortium<https://library2go.overdrive.com/> (ODLC), Oregon School Library Information System<https://oslis.org/> (OSLIS), Overdue: Weeding Out Oppression in Libraries<https://www.buzzsprout.com/1948067> podcast, and the Sage Library System<https://sagelib.org/> courier.
These federal funds support Oregonians from all walks of life, in a variety of ways, by strengthening libraries across the state. A complete list of grant recipients can be found on the Grant Awards<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/lstagrants/awards> page.
Questions or comments can be directed to Buzzy Nielsen, Program Manager for Library Support and Development (buzzy.nielsen at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:buzzy.nielsen at slo.oregon.gov>, 971-375-3486).

The State Library of Oregon cultivates, preserves, and delivers library and information services to foster lifelong learning and community engagement.

250 Winter St. NE * Salem, OR 97301 * 503-378-4243 * Fax 503-585-8059 * www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>

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