[Libs-Or] Grants Pass SD - call for support

Intellectual Freedom Committee ifc.chair at olaweb.org
Fri Jul 19 09:05:12 PDT 2024

Hi all,
As book challenges continue to rage through our communities, one tactic we
(the IFC) have begun to see utilized repeatedly now, is the idea of trying
to keep the situation quiet, to attempt to remove materials without it
becoming a media frenzy, doing so often without the communities even aware
that this is happening.

The IFC recognizes the need for transparency in these issues, knowing that
if the communities WERE aware of these challenges, they would write letters
to the Boards and administrators, advocating for the right to read freely.

With this, the IFC will begin (when appropriate) to share challenge
situations more broadly, especially at times where we know a letter writing
campaign to boards, administrators, and letters to the media would help
support preserving the right to read.

In that, we are asking for support coming out of Grants Pass School
District.  In short, Grants Pass had an informal complaint to four books:  All
Boys Aren’t Blue, Flamer, Beyond Magenta, and Night of the Living Queers .  As
a result of the situation regarding these four titles, the Library Board is
proposing a policy change.  They are recommending creating a new "library
selection committee" that would approve every single book purchased for the
coming year.

In the effort of saving you some time, here is the section of the new
policy that is highly concerning:

Library books, media and Supplementary Materials Objectives
All selections will be consistent with the following principles which:

1. Provide materials that enrich and support the curriculum, taking into
consideration the
varied interests, abilities and maturity levels of the students served;
2. Provide materials that stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literary
aesthetic values and ethical standards;
3. Provide a background information which will enable students to make
judgments in their daily lives;
4. Provide materials on opposing sides of controversial issues, so that
young citizens may
develop, under guidance, the practice of analytical reading and critical
5. Provide materials representative of the many religious, ethnic and
cultural groups,
showing their contributions to our heritage and that inform rather than
6. Place evaluative criteria above personal opinion in the selection of
materials of the
highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate
for the users of the
library media center;
7. Maintain a current and usable collection; school personnel will provide
renewal of the collection and resources, not only by addition of up-to-date
materials, but by
the elimination of materials which no longer meet needs.

Selection Criteria
The Librarian Selection Committee shall consider the following criteria in
evaluating materials:

1. Overall need and relation to approved curriculum;
2. Quality of writing, authenticity, and has literary merit;
3. Authors demonstrate subject matter authority;
4. Age appropriateness in theme and content;
5. Does not contain graphic violence, sexually explicit, lude, obscene, and
erotic language,
or display pornographic material, or images, or encourage sexual behavior;
6. Does not contain repetitive vulgar language;
7. Contributes to viewpoint diversity and balance on political, cultural,
and intellectual

We know they are going to turn to these points to no longer purchase
library materials by or about LGBTQ folks.

At this point, we need to gather the masses and help let the Grants Pass
School Board and administrators know that the library community (and Grants
Pass community) do not stand for this policy and ask them to vote against
its implementation.

If you have time and would be willing, we would love to encourage letters
to the following:
Superintendent Todd Sweeney: tsweeney at grantspass.k12.or.us
Grants Pass School Board:
 - Dustin Smith: dsmith at grantspass.k12.or.us
- Chad Dybdahl: cdybdahl at grantspass.k12.or.us
- Gary Richardson: glrichardson at grantspass.k12.or.us
- Debbie Brownell: dbrownell at grantspass.k12.or.us
- Cassie Wilkins: cwilkins at grantspass.k12.or.us
- Nathan Seable: nseable at grantspass.k12.or.us
- Joseph Schmidt: jschmidt at grantspass.k12.or.us
Grants Pass Daily Courier - letters to the editor:
newsdept at thedailycourier.com

Thank you all for your advocacy - and know we will try and share these
situations more transparently (where appropriate) in the future.

Emily and the IFC

Chair - ifc.chair at olaweb.org
Intellectual Freedom Committee https://www.olaweb.org/if-home
Oregon Library Association https://www.olaweb.org/

Disclaimer: all information provided by the IFC is intended for
informational purposes only.  This is not to be considered legal advice.
Should you need legal advice, we recommend contacting a practicing attorney
in your jurisdiction.
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