[Libs-Or] SB1583 - Public Testimony tomorrow 8:00 a.m.

Intellectual Freedom Committee ifc.chair at olaweb.org
Mon Mar 4 08:20:27 PST 2024

Hi all,
Here is your last chance to support SB1583!  The House has
officially scheduled their public hearing, set for tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.
See from Tess Milio, our lobbyist:

   - SB 1583
   *A*, Sen. Frederick’s bill to prevent discrimination when prohibiting or
   restricting books or materials in schools, passed through the Senate on a
   party-line vote last Tuesday. *The bill was just scheduled for a public
   hearing in the House Rules Committee March 5th at 8AM. Are you interested
   and available to testify?* *If yes, please email me at
   tess at miliocapitolconsulting.com <tess at miliocapitolconsulting.com> at your
   earliest convenience and find lots more information about what to expect at
   the bottom of this email.*

Hearing Scheduled on HB 1583 - Tuesday 3/5 at 8AM


Specifically, if you are able or willing to testify in-person or remotely
tomorrow, that would be incredibly helpful!  There is also an option to
send letters once again, if testifying at the hearing isn't feasible.


Please consider being willing to support this important bill at the hearing.
Thank you all!

>From Tess:

*Hello! Thank you so much for **considering** testify**ing** in support of **SB
in-person or remotely this **Tuesday, March 5th at 8 AM

Below find information about how to register, tips on testifying and
talking points you can use or make your own. For those coming in-person,
I’ve also included some information about coming to the Oregon State
Capitol in Salem at the bottom.

*Register on OLIS: *

In order to be able to testify, you must register over one-hour before the
hearing on OLIS. Please use this link
<https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2024R1/Measures/Overview/SB1583> to
go to SB 1583’s webpage. From there, click “Register to Testify” on the in
the gray bar between “Testimony” and “Submit Testimony.” Once you fill out
the form, you will get an email with instructions and, if applicable, the
link to join the committee virtually.

*Testimony Tips:*

   - Start your testimony with the following:
         - “Chair Fahey, Vice-Chair Kropf, Vice-Chair Helfritch and Members
         of the House Rules Committee, for the record, my name is ____________.”

   - Next, if you are with an organization, make sure to state who you are
      representing and give a couple lines about who they are to help the
      committee members understand the scope of the group and why they might

   - Expect a time limit of 1-2 minutes for your testimony. Be ready to
      give your main points succinctly and clearly.

   - Make the testimony your own! We have talking points for you below, but
      using your own words, experience and unique perspective will be more
      compelling and persuasive 😊

   - Antidotes and authentic communication are encouraged! Legislators like
      to hear more about how things work on the ground through stories or
      personal experiences. If you have experienced a specific event
that relates
      to this bill, consider working that into your testimony. Maybe
share how it
      helped you or what you took away.

   - Try not to just read your testimony. Look up and try to engage with
      the legislators if possible. They appreciate and listen better when the
      testimony is not read. Feel free to add authentic feelings or
humor to your
      testimony, if appropriate.

   - If you mess up – don’t worry! No one expects perfection and the
      legislators have a lot of compassion for the members of the
public who take
      time out of their busy schedules to testify.

   - At the end of your prepared remarks thank the committee for their time
      and ask them to support SB 1583.
         - i.e. “ Thank you for the opportunity to speak before you today.
         I hope you will support SB 1583 and pass the bill to the Floor at your
         earliest convenience.”

   - If you are asked a question, you should try to respond ‘through the
      chair,’ meaning you should start any response with, “Chair Fahey,
      Representative _______ (last name of the member who asked the
question) ….”

   - If you don’t know an answer to a question, simply say “Thank you so
      much for that question, I am happy to get back to you with an answer.”

*Talking Points:*

Please find some basic talking points below. Also see the letter from the
State Library and the messaging document from the ACLU for more ideas.

   - “Chair Dembrow, Vice-Chair Weber and Members of the Committee, for the
      record, my name is ____________.”“Chair Fahey, Vice-Chair Kropf,
      Helfritch and Members of the House Rules Committee, for the
record, my name
      is ____________.”

·                     (I’m with ______, which is an organization that…..)

   - I am supporting SB 1583 that will prevent discrimination when
      selecting textbooks, instructional materials, program materials
or library
      books in public schools and hope that you will pass the bill this session
      to further strengthening our non-discrimination laws.

   - SB1583 brings needed clarity to help schools and school boards comply
      with the prohibition on discrimination required by ORS 659.850.

   - The US is experiencing an explosion of attempts to censor library and
      curriculum materials in our public schools, and Oregon is no exception.

   - Many of these attempts are blatant in their opposition to LGBTQ+
      materials. These censorship attempts intend to limit the materials
      available to Oregon students based solely on the
constitutionally protected
      viewpoints of those materials. I believe SB 1583 will help prevent these
      book bans and removal attempts.

   - As librarians, we know it is important for students to see themselves
      reflected in their community. We believe it is critical to
carefully select
      books, magazines, educational videos and experiences that reflect our
      student populations in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.

   - We want to make sure that important educational texts and materials
      are available to those students who need it.

   - Thank you for the opportunity to speak before you today.

   - Please pass SB 1583A and send it to the Governor’s Desk before the
      session ends.

*C**onsidering c**oming to Salem* *to Testify? Here is some information
about visiting the capitol:*

*900 Court St. NE, Salem Oregon 97301, HR B*

*Senate Committee On Education

Meeting Details 02/13/2024 3:00 PM

   - Make sure to *still register to testify online!* That is the only way
      now to get on the testimony list and the cut off is one-hour before the

   - Please plan to *arrive 30 minutes early*, so you have time to get
      inside and get a seat before the meeting starts promptly at 3pm. It will
      likely be crowded, so you are not guaranteed a seat, even if you are
      testifying. OLA and others will help get you a seat in the room, but you
      can help make sure that works by getting to Hearing Room B early.

   - *Street parking* is available all around the capitol. You can use pay
      to park meters to pay for the parking for the amount of time you will be
      there. Make sure to put the print out on your car’s dash.

   - *Enter in the middle doors on the South side* (across from Willamette
      University) the other entrances are closed due to construction or require

   - *There is security.* Expect to go through a metal detector and put
      your bag through a scanner, similar to the airport. If there is
a line, it
      could take time to get through.

   - There are *no food services* in the capitol currently because of
      construction. I recommend bringing a refillable water bottle and if you
      need a snack or food, make sure to bring it with you. There is no eating
      allowed in the hearing rooms, but you can eat in the hallway.

*Are you interested in testifying? Still have questions?** Please email me
using the contact information below.*

Thank you!



Tess Milio

Milio Capitol Consulting

tess at miliocapitolconsulting.com

Chair - ifc.chair at olaweb.org
Intellectual Freedom Committee https://www.olaweb.org/if-home
Oregon Library Association https://www.olaweb.org/
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