TRAINING OPPORTUNITY: MicroStation and InRoads V8i Update Training

ODOT Info - A&E Consultants odot_ae_consultant_info at
Mon Jan 14 14:51:44 PST 2013

Please forward to other people you think may be interested in this training opportunity:
ODOT is in the process of upgrading Bentley MicroStation from V8 2004 to V8i SS3 and Bentley InRoads from V8.9 XM to V8i SS2.  There is space available in Salem area training classes in February:
MicroStation: V8i SS3 User Update:  This training covers the major enhancements to MicroStation V8i SS3. It teaches the experienced user how to use the new features and capabilities with an emphasis on productivity gains.  This training is 2 days in duration.  Fee:  $475 per person.
MicroStation: ODOT V8i SS3:  The purpose of this training is to inform consultants of specific configuration and customization, with associated workflows, for using MicroStation V8i SS3 with the ODOT environment.  This training is 4 hours in duration.  No Fee.
InRoads: V8i SS2 User Update:  This course focuses on the new concepts and tools available in InRoads V8i SS2. This includes using the Roadway Designer function to create corridors.  This training is 2 days in duration.  Fee:  $475 per person.
InRoads: ODOT V8i SS2:  The purpose of this training is to inform consultants of specific configuration and customization, with associated workflows, for using InRoads V8i SS2with the ODOT environment.  This training is 4 hours in duration.  No Fee.
If you are interested in registering for any of these classes, please do so by January 24th.  After that date, these classes may not be available for enrollment.
For more information about the training and to register, click on the following link:

Lorrie Schaefer, Senior Training Consultant
Technical Services
Branch and Project Delivery Services Unit
Oregon Department of Transportation
Telephone:  503-378-5224
Lorrie.L.Schaefer at

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