[or-roots] Attachments

Beth Johnston bjohnsto at oregonvos.net
Fri Feb 8 19:06:31 PST 2002

derek s m cusick wrote:

> Hi Cecil
> like Michel & Sherri  I also got the message with attachment from
> waynepatph at aol.com
> which was a repeat of Pat Phillips , that she should not be receiving
> messages.
> The attachment was shown as from Sally,and said Why did I receive these
> Mesages.
> Obviously something is going astray with new system.

I doubt there's anything wrong with the new system or that it's actually
sending attachments. If this is like the RootsWeb mailing lists, whether or not
you see a message as an "attachment" is determined by how your preferences are
sent in your email client, although it can also be a function of how your ISP
chooses to pass on your messages.

I see you're using Outlook Express and I've seen the instructions for how to
configure OE so messages don't show up as attachments, but since I don't use OE
I didn't pay attention to the details. If you can't find anything in your OE
help files, maybe when Layne is back on Monday she'll know . . . or maybe
someone else on the list knows how to set the OE preferences if that's the

[remainder of message snipped]

Beth Perry Johnston

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