[or-roots] RE:Just a mention of a couple things oregon genealogy

Dan M wb at wvi.com
Fri Mar 22 18:01:24 PST 2002

   If you look at my web site you will see I am list manager of several
lists , the Oregon-l, and Klamath Us Gen co-ord also the
OR-WVGS-L ( Oregon Willamette Genealogy Society list
and I also founded the
Stayton Samtiam Genealogy Society list and group = looking for members
   any way we dont have much for books and stuff on the local area and I
have my hand out for any help and donations I can get.
    I have a small building I am going to use for this and am fixing it up
  Also there is a computer already done for it and it will have internet
access there too this summer.

     If any one feels they can be of value , see my website and all the
links are there to check out.
    I am not an information source, but a source of where to find it.
as for my web site is going to be upgraded daily for links.

If any one is interested in the Oregon lists feel free to join them

see http://wvi.com/~wb

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